Unlocking the Power of an Energized Workplace: The Key to Employee Fulfillment and Retention

It’s All About Feeling Connected and Fulfilled

Would you consider your workplace to have a high level of energy? Are team members thriving and contributing at their highest potential?

Envision your workplace; can you use the following words to describe it?

  • Eager
  • Lively
  • Participative
  • Empowered
  • Excited
  • Invigorated
  • Motivated

O.C. Tanner Institute collected and analyzed input from over 36,000 employees, leaders, and practitioners from 20 countries and reports that:

Nearly 1 in 3 employees don’t feel fulfilled at work which makes them:

  • 399% more likely to actively look for another job
  • 340% more likely to leave the organization within a year
  • 47% less likely to put in a great deal of effort to help the organization succeed
  • 71% less likely to promote the organization as a great place to work

They also found that Community and Fulfillment were critical components for creating an energized workplace. Workers wanted to feel connected, they wanted a sense of well-being, and they wanted to feel that they were part of, and included in, an enterprise that has purpose. When this exists, along with a sense of stability, they were inspired and would more readily contribute to obtaining desired results.

Each year O.C. Tanner Institute measures six elements within the workplace culture and calls them Talent Magnets. They are:

1.    Employee Sense Of Purpose
       ex. Clearly defined roles and expectations
2.    Employee Sense Of Opportunity
       ex. Career development and fulfillment
3.    Employee Sense Of Success
       ex. Achievement of goals and feeling valued
4.    Employee Sense Of Appreciation
       ex. Recognition and rewards
5.    Employee Sense Of Well-Being
       ex. A trusting and honoring work culture
6.    Employee Sense Of Leadership
       ex. Inspiring others to learn, grow and transform

Are you operating at full power? How are you attracting and retaining team members and energizing your enterprise?



Mike and Jan

Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.
—Sam Walton

Guiding the way for ambitious leaders, PeopleTek Coaching equips both individuals and teams with the tools to excel. We leverage a mix of customized coaching programs, innovative strategies, and insights gleaned from our vast industry experience, enabling businesses and individuals to unlock their potential and distinguish themselves in a competitive landscape.

Our transformative coaching methodology molds leadership behaviors and fosters team unity, driving them towards a common goal. This focus on teamwork is the cornerstone of our success and has solidified our standing as a reliable partner for numerous businesses throughout our twenty-year history.

More than just achieving business objectives, we aim to infuse workplaces with a culture of positivity and mutual respect. We advocate for environments that promote personal development and enhance productivity. This transformative philosophy is at the heart of our mission at PeopleTek.

At PeopleTek, we inspire you to take the reins of your leadership journey and lead with fervor. Explore the power of our unique approach by visiting us at PeopleTekCoaching.com. Offering a wide array of services, we’re poised to energize your route to leadership triumph and team excellence.

Unlocking Potential: Understanding Myers-Briggs Personality Types for Better Team Dynamics

It is up to each person to recognize his or her true preferences.
—Isabel Briggs Myers

For decades we’ve been using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers. 

Why? Because it helps us understand our preferences and the preferences of others. Because these are preferences, there is no good/bad or right/wrong “type”.  Rather, the results help us by providing an understanding and appreciation of individual differences which enhances relationships and increases individual and team productivity.

Our “type” also provides us information about styles of communication, how decisions are made, and approaches to change.

The 16 Myers-Briggs personality types are comprised of the following four categories:

Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I) is the first identifier

  • Individuals who are “E’s” get their energy from people, places and things
  • Individuals who are “I’s” get their energy from ideas and concepts

Sensor (S) or Intuitive (N) is the second identifier which tells how we take in and process information

  • Individuals who are “S’s” want to know who, what, when, where, why and how many
  • Individuals who are “N’s” want to go beyond details and facts and use what they think based on their intuition or 6th sense.

Thinking (T) or Feeling (F) is the third letter that identifies how we make decisions

  • Individuals who are “T’s” base their decision on logic and facts
  • Individuals who are “F’s” base their decision on how others will feel about it

Judging (J) or Perceiving (P) is fourth letter and identifies how we want to live

  • Individuals who are “J’s” prefer to live a life that is planned and orderly
  • Individuals who are “F’s” prefer to live a life that is flexible and spontaneous

The 16 differing MBTI “types” tell us a lot. Each has their own strengths and characteristics.  An ideal team would consist of all types; when the differing perspectives, styles, and methods are leveraged, goals are more readily achieved and stronger relationships are built.

Do you know your type, and does your organization have a blend of types?



Mike and Jan

No type has everything.
The introverts and thinkers, though likely to arrive at the most profound decisions, may have the most difficulty in getting their conclusions accepted.
The opposite types are best at communicating, but not as adept at determining the truths to be communicated.
― Isabel Briggs Myers

Steering the path for aspiring leaders, PeopleTek Coaching aids both individuals and teams in their quest towards excellence. We incorporate a blend of tailored coaching programs, dynamic methodologies, and insights cultivated from our extensive industry experience, empowering businesses and individuals to tap into their potential and stand out amidst fierce competition.

Our transformative coaching approach shapes leadership behaviors while nurturing a sense of unity within teams, propelling them towards a shared vision. This strong emphasis on teamwork forms the bedrock of our success and has cemented our reputation as a trusted partner for numerous businesses over our two-decade journey.

Beyond meeting business goals, we strive to imbue workplaces with a spirit of positivity and mutual respect. We champion environments that nurture personal growth and boost productivity. This transformative ethos is at the core of our mission at PeopleTek.

At PeopleTek, we encourage you to take charge of your leadership journey and lead with passion. Discover the potential of our unique approach by visiting us at PeopleTekCoaching.com. With an extensive range of services, we are ready to invigorate your pathway to leadership success and team brilliance.

Embracing the Grey: Transcending Black-and-White Leadership Thinking for Enhanced Personal Growth and Professional Success

Black and white thinking is the tendency to think in extremes.

Have you ever been told your mind-set was limited and your thinking was lacking a grey zone? Perhaps you are being viewed with a Leadership Style that is restricted to thinking only in terms of black or white, either/or?

Per Empowered Counseling:
Black and White thinking, also known as either/or thinking may be defined as an extreme way of thinking where a person can only see one possibility. Finding the gray may be defined as being able to find more than one possibility or solution.

Black and white thinkers are often considered “great resources for personal growth and understanding“, and that they drive results. This initially sounds good, and goals may be more readily attained, but thinking in terms of extremes is limiting.

Look for the middle ground and understand that it’s okay to incorporate “maybe” or “possibly” into our vocabulary; there’s more than simply black or white thinking. Even while black and white thinkers are considered “great resources”, as with any style or behavior, over-using a strength can result in a weakness.

Consider how often you use the following words:

  • always
  • never
  • good
  • bad
  • impossible
  • disaster
  • ruined
  • perfect

If any are over-used, you may sabotage your career and relationships, as well as impact your physical and mental health. 

Enter the grey area. Effective leadership includes building relationships, supporting goals, driving results, seeking advice when needed, and listening. It’s also necessary to take into account what’s good for the work culture, the people, and the organization as a whole. Understand that there are options and possibilities!

As always awareness is key. Be open to new thoughts and avoid using the words associated with the black and white mentality.



Mike and Jan

Black-and-white thinking refers to a rigid mindset.
— Christopher Hansen, LPC, Ph.D

PeopleTek Coaching is at the forefront of developing emerging leadership, carving a path to excellence for both individuals and teams. Our dynamic approach combines personalized coaching programs, energy-driven methodologies, and the rich insights gathered from decades of industry experience. This allows us to help individuals and businesses unlock their true potential and thrive in competitive environments.

Our unique coaching model not only influences leadership behaviors but also nurtures a culture of unity within teams, driving them towards shared objectives. It is this emphasis on cohesive teamwork that has propelled us to success in our industry, establishing us as a trusted partner to many businesses over our 20+ year journey.

More than just achieving organizational goals, we aim to instill an energy of positivity and mutual respect in the workplace. We believe that harmonious workplaces foster personal growth and enhance productivity, and our mission is to inspire this transformation in every team we work with.

At PeopleTek, we empower you to take the reins of your leadership journey and lead with conviction. To learn more about our unique approach and how we can fuel your path to leadership excellence, visit our website at www.PeopleTekCoaching.com. Through our comprehensive suite of services, we’re ready to energize your journey towards effective leadership and team excellence.

Mastering the Art of Change Management: A Comprehensive Guide for Leaders

To some, change = danger; to others it equals growth.

There’s no getting around it, change WILL occur. It’s inevitable, and it’s needed.

To many, change and danger are linked as there’s a fear of the unknown. What was once familiar no longer exists, there’s a sense of uncertainty, decisions are often made that we have no role or say in, and our comfort level has been eroded.

Dr. Brit Andreatta states that humans are “biologically wired to resist change”, and as leaders we MUST acknowledge and manage the emotions of the change curve (shock, denial, anger and fear) before we can expect acceptance and commitment.

There are 5 Types Of Change (excerpts from Dr. Andreatta’s WIRED TO RESIST):

1.    Strategic – how the organization will fulfill its mission
2.    Structural – the organization’s internal set-up
3.    Process – how the organization maximizes productivity and workflow
4.    Talent – maximizing employee skill and performance
5.    Cultural – shifting attitudes, values, and behaviors

As leaders we must address the reason for each change, what the impacts will be, and how growth (related to the change) is needed in order to remain competitive, or perhaps to even stay in business.

It’s probably no surprise that the ability to change the mind-set of our people is the most difficult. We want to remove the “danger” element and get everyone onboard. We need to make sure clear roles have been communicated, with an understanding of how the change will support the organization’s vision and core values.  This will help facilitate success.

As leaders, our challenge is to erase the equation that CHANGE=DANGER and instead make it CHANGE-GROWTH. How prepared are you to make this happen?



Mike and Jan


Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
–George Bernard Shaw

PeopleTek Coaching – Pioneering a path to leadership and team excellence. We offer tailored coaching programs leveraging our vast industry experience, aiding individuals and businesses to unearth their true potential. Our innovative approach transforms leadership behaviors, cultivates cohesive teams, and drives organizational success. With a track record spanning more than 20 years, PeopleTek’s mission is to inspire personal and professional growth for a productive, harmonious workplace. To learn more about us and how we can empower your leadership journey, visit www.PeopleTekCoaching.com.

Unlock Leadership Potential: The Power of Self-Awareness

First Lead Yourself, Then Lead Others

We know many of you have heard us say “First Lead Yourself, Then Lead Others”. How have you interpreted this, and do you agree with the concept?

Until you fully “know” yourself, you won’t be in the position to help others become more self-aware, which is the starting point for effective leadership, sustained relationships, and growth.

For those of you that have worked with us, we utilize a sundry of assessments and tools that validate strengths, provide areas for development, enhance communication skills, while addressing how over and under uses can be detrimental. We find the results invaluable, but there are other ways to become more self-aware.

Brian Kelly, The Points Guy, provides some questions that he reflects on. Some to ask yourself include:

  • One thing I try to do every day is…
  • I describe my vibe as…
  • I feel most alive when…
  • To avoid distractions, I…
  • I handle negativity by…
  • One thing that is difficult for me but I enjoy is…
  • When I need a creative spark, I…
  • I want people to know me for…
  • I define success as…

How easy were these questions to answer?  Did any require a few extra seconds to think about? Did you learn anything new?

A commitment for self-awareness and continual learning Starts With You!


Mike and Jan

Neil Blumenthal shares:
The key to an ideal workplace, in one hyphenated word, is this:

PeopleTek Coaching – Pioneering a path to leadership and team excellence. We offer tailored coaching programs leveraging our vast industry experience, aiding individuals and businesses to unearth their true potential. Our innovative approach transforms leadership behaviors, cultivates cohesive teams, and drives organizational success. With a track record spanning more than 20 years, PeopleTek’s mission is to inspire personal and professional growth for a productive, harmonious workplace. To learn more about us and how we can empower your leadership journey, visit www.PeopleTekCoaching.com.