Post Leadership Journey Actions, Activities and Roles

Note: This was created to enable Leadership Journey Alumni and their sponsors to take immediate actions to help keep leadership learnings alive.
These include both complimentary and paid solutions based on the needs and requirements of individuals and organizations.

Complimentary (no financial investment required):

1. Your Journey Continues Workshops: 

Every month, PeopleTek’s founder, Mike Kublin, hosts a complimentary workshop to partner with you to become a lifelong learner. Journey graduates and sponsors are invited to participate. Each session will revisit the tools that you learned in the Leadership Journey and how those learnings may be applied throughout your entire career.

2. QwikCoach

– An annual license is provided to every Leadership Journey participant and is good during the program and for 6 months after the program is completed. QwikCoach not only provides all Leadership Journey materials (exclusive of the assessments), it also provides hundreds of tips and exercises. Specifically related to the Leadership Journey curriculum, there are additional exercises for every session that provide supplemental content with the following sections: RECAP, COMMUNICATE, REINFORCE and PRACTICE. Here’s a sample Reinforce” exercise from Session 6 (Conflict)

QwikCoach usually recommends that you schedule a session to share expectations – as soon as you can. It can be a “big deal” with an outside facilitator or a discussion you manage yourself.

The important thing is to get together as soon as you sense that things are not going well and keep the channels of communication open. Once you get the issues out on the table, you can work towards finding ways to address any problem/issue and meet everyone’s needs. Agree to meet again in two weeks to determine if things are getting better, and repeat as often as necessary.

We believe that having frank and open discussions is a winning and professional approach to solving differences, which are inevitable in any relationship.

Note: This annual license may be renewed for $249

3. Vision, Mission, Goals, Measures=Behavior Documents

These are working documents that should be reviewed monthly and updated as needed. The leaders who have graduated need to have a personal career vision, mission and goals document as well as a business vision, mission, goals, document. The leaders’ superiors 1 and 2 levels up should know what is in these documents. Successful application of the tool is to use them and discuss them as coaching documents. The behavior section should be used to update and modify as needed.

4. Strategic One Page Plan

This is a tool that can be used for the remainder of a persons’ career. It is used for small projects or to solve problems or any situation where you need to get from where you are today to where you want to ultimately be – all in 7 steps. This invaluable tool can be used by graduates and their sponsors to address any situation that requires strategic thinking, group interaction, engagement, with ownership for actions and responsibilities identified.  It provides a focus for achieving desired results, and for holding oneself and others accountable.

5. Mentor Program in Pilot Mode

This program is where a Leadership Journey participant selects a leader to assist them with growth and development. Both mentor and mentee are provided content in QwikCoach so that they understand how to be a successful mentor and discussion ideas. What this brings to the organization is a shared communication and dialogue of terms, accountability and use of tools.

6. Certified Professional Leader Reviews and Certification

Each quarter PeopleTek conducts refreshers for Leadership Journey Alumni. Once the leader feels confident they have mastered the concepts of effective leadership, they are given the opportunity to complete an exam, and if successful, will obtain the Certified Professional Leader certification.

7. Weekly Leadership Tips

These weekly tips provide ideas or exercises that any leader or organization can use to optimize leadership behaviors. Some organizations use them to kick off staff meetings or as ice breakers.

8. Community News

Each Monday PeopleTek publishes a list of activities and other complimentary or paid programs which leaders, teams and organizations utilize for their individual leaders and teams.

9. Stay Connected, Ask Questions, and Share Your Stories

Keep in touch and actively interact with us via facebook, linkedin, utube, Instagram, twitter. We want to hear how your leadership skills have evolved, how you’re leveraging your “magic dust”®, and ask us questions!

Fee Based Programs and Processes:

10. Beyond The Barriers (also known as Leadership Journey II)

This program takes a person from the completion of all Journey I concepts and identifies and actions any barriers preventing them from becoming a highly effective leader. For example, many leaders in Journey I create a wonderful Vision, Mission, Goals and Measures document only to be let down because the plan did not work as expected. What problems came up? This program focuses on leadership skills and behaviors in the areas of:
Vision, Alignment, and Execution
-Managing CHANGE to support goals
-Developing TRUST
-INFLUENCE positively and with authority
-COACHING techniques

11. Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team

This development program measures a team’s success against Five Essential components and provides baseline scores with development suggestions for increasing the scores and improving team dynamics and results. The areas measured are:

1.Trust    2.Conflict    3.Collaboration    4.Accountability   5.Results

12. Precision Coaching

Many situations require immediate personal interaction with an Executive Coach. Sometimes the Coach can be the person that led their Leadership Journey and other times the Coach can be someone who provides a different point of view. Packages exist for 3, 6, 9 or 12 sessions.  The Coach can also select (if applicable), a tool or assessment to from our base of over 20 different assessments such as Emotional Intelligence to help facilitate the coaching experience and development.

13. 360 Feedback (suggested 2 years post Journey)

Wiley’s DiSC 363 Assessment is a world-class leadership development instrument that provides deep insights into the 8 approaches associated with highly effective leadership.

14. Coach Metrix

This Coaching measurement tool is used to track how each Coaching engagement is progressing. It is a real time update for both the participant in coaching and their Sponsors and Colleagues. It provides the opportunity to give in the moment feedback as situations arise, and most often addresses 360 feedback results where behaviors to be developed have been identified and Goals established. This process takes no more than 5 minutes, and can be added to any PeopleTek solution.

15. Agile and Mindset Program

Many organizations look at mindset and the changes they require for 2-5 years in the future. PeopleTek created processes for truly being agile, not just saying the word agile. This program is customized based on the clients’ needs.

16. Work of Leaders

For seasoned as well as novice leaders, WORK OF LEADERS changes the way one leads and provides clarity for each leader individually (and the team as a whole) regarding strengths and blind spots in the areas of:

          Vision: Exploration, Boldness, Testing Assumptions

          Alignment: Clarity, Dialogue, Inspiration 

          Execution: Momentum, Structure, Feedback

17. Train the Trainer

There are times when organizations do not want to be externally dependent for their coaching and development needs. PeopleTek offers “Train the Trainer” options which provides coaching expertise and guidance to internal colleagues that can then be used to coach/train their teams and organizations.

18. Custom Solutions

PeopleTek has a sundry of solutions that uniquely assess and address individual and organizational needs.