To some, change = danger; to others it equals growth.

There’s no getting around it, change WILL occur. It’s inevitable, and it’s needed.

To many, change and danger are linked as there’s a fear of the unknown. What was once familiar no longer exists, there’s a sense of uncertainty, decisions are often made that we have no role or say in, and our comfort level has been eroded.

Dr. Brit Andreatta states that humans are “biologically wired to resist change”, and as leaders we MUST acknowledge and manage the emotions of the change curve (shock, denial, anger and fear) before we can expect acceptance and commitment.

There are 5 Types Of Change (excerpts from Dr. Andreatta’s WIRED TO RESIST):

1.    Strategic – how the organization will fulfill its mission
2.    Structural – the organization’s internal set-up
3.    Process – how the organization maximizes productivity and workflow
4.    Talent – maximizing employee skill and performance
5.    Cultural – shifting attitudes, values, and behaviors

As leaders we must address the reason for each change, what the impacts will be, and how growth (related to the change) is needed in order to remain competitive, or perhaps to even stay in business.

It’s probably no surprise that the ability to change the mind-set of our people is the most difficult. We want to remove the “danger” element and get everyone onboard. We need to make sure clear roles have been communicated, with an understanding of how the change will support the organization’s vision and core values.  This will help facilitate success.

As leaders, our challenge is to erase the equation that CHANGE=DANGER and instead make it CHANGE-GROWTH. How prepared are you to make this happen?



Mike and Jan


Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
–George Bernard Shaw

PeopleTek Coaching – Pioneering a path to leadership and team excellence. We offer tailored coaching programs leveraging our vast industry experience, aiding individuals and businesses to unearth their true potential. Our innovative approach transforms leadership behaviors, cultivates cohesive teams, and drives organizational success. With a track record spanning more than 20 years, PeopleTek’s mission is to inspire personal and professional growth for a productive, harmonious workplace. To learn more about us and how we can empower your leadership journey, visit