11 People Secrets

Some people, regardless of what they lack–money, looks, or social connections–always radiate energy and confidence.—Travis Bradberry

Have you ever noticed a leader that others just seem to be drawn to? Where others make it an effort to work with and for them?

Some leaders (and people) seem to have an aura about them. Is it charisma? Personality? Special behaviors?  Travis Bradberry provides the following list of the 11 Secrets of Irresistible People.


  1. They treat EVERYONE with respect –  regardless of title or position, everyone is entitled to be treated with respect
  2. They follow the platinum rule – with a twist: treat others as they want to be treated. Not everyone has the same motivators so don’t treat everyone the same
  3. They ditch the small talk – get below the “surface”; be genuine, get real
  4. They focus on people more than anything else – listen and respond to what you’re hearing.
  5. They don’t try too hard – don’t dominate conversations; let your strengths shine through naturally
  6. They recognize the difference between fact and opinion – don’t be afraid to share your opinions, but don’t pawn them off as facts
  7. They are authentic – building trust becomes easier when you’re “real”
  8. They have integrity – walk the talk, follow through, do what’s “right”
  9. They smile – positive behaviors and actions are contagious
  10. They make an effort to look their best – being presentable is a sign of respect to those you’re interacting with
  11. They find reasons to love life – they live and work their passion

Do you have a mentor (or perhaps know another leader) who has qualities that appeal to you? Have you assessed why, and are there qualities you would like to emulate?

Please share them with us!


5 Must Haves For Leading Teams – Click for more

       My own definition of leadership is this: The capacity and the will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspires confidence. —General Montgomery


9 Rules For Dysfunction

The fact remains that teams, because they are made up of imperfect human beings, are inherently dysfunctional.–Patrick Lencioni

Many of you are familiar with Patrick Lencioni’s book “The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team”. In it, Lencioni shares a model that reflects that in order for a team to accomplish the results they desire, all team members must overcome the:

  • Absence of Trust
  • Fear of Conflict
  • Lack of Commitment
  • Avoidance of Accountability
  • Inattention to Results

Along similar lines, Lesley Wright and Marti D Smye, Ph.D, authors of Corporate Abuse: How “Lean and Mean” Robs People and Profits, shared nine rules you want to avoid having in your workplace.


  1. Do not discuss the undiscussable
  2. Feelings are undiscussable in the workplace
  3. Never say exactly what you mean to the person who most needs to hear it
  4. One mistake and you’re out
  5. We’ll take credit for your good ideas and punish you for your failures
  6. Everything you are belongs to the company
  7. Do as we say and don’t ask questions
  8. You’re not here to enjoy yourself; you’re here to work
  9. Don’t try to change anything

So, although these may seem obvious, they were found to exist in more than a handful of corporate cultures. You may even be able to relate to some, hopefully not in your current work environment, but rather in times of “old”.

When they do exist, not only do people suffer, but so do results.

As leaders, are you creating a culture to help individuals and organizations thrive? Do you commit to addressing the dysfunctions listed above?  We hope so!



Inspire and Empower

A sense of ownership is the most powerful weapon a team or organization can have.  – Pat Summit

How do you inspire and empower your team or organization? What are you doing to get them on-board to grow results and make them feel they are valued contributors?

The late Pat Summit was a highly successful female basketball coach and a motivational speaker. She shared that successful coaches and leaders require 2 major skills:

  • The ability to convey practical information in a clear and concise way that enables others to learn quickly
  • The knack of motivating your team to put in the necessary effort to achieve successShe also shared the following tips:

For successful motivation, you need to transmit your passion, enthusiasm, and attitude.  “It’s the ability to see in other people more than they see in themselves, and to bring it out of them.”

Learn about the backgrounds and families of your team members. Discover what precisely makes them tick.  This will help you understand what motivates them, and fosters an openness that may pinpoint reasons for under performance.

Be approachable and demonstrate empathy.  This is needed in order for your team to better listen, learn and develop. “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”.

Transfer responsibility.  Personal responsibility and accountability increase enthusiasm, drive, and lead to more effective performance.  Act as a guide and mentor your team but remember you can’t do the job for them.

Surround yourself with bright, talented people with creative minds that will challenge you.   Listen closely to their ideas and methods; they’re likely to provide options you have not explored yourself.

Evaluate yourself before you evaluate others.  It’s possible you as a leader failed; be honest about what you could have done better.

Which of the tips do you practice consistently?  Do any of your behaviors need to change so you can better inspire and empower others?


VALUING YOUR STAFF – click to read more!

To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you. –Tony Dorsett

Take Action

Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success. – Shiv Khera

As we head into March, hopefully your 2017 goals have been finalized and communicated, along with your development plan updated with specific growth areas identified.

SUCCESS magazine, March 2017, provides ten suggestions to assist with taking action against your plans.

Talk It Out – Practice responding to questions and obstacles; this will help build confidence

Think Again – Factor in “bumps in the road” and adapt accordingly

Persevere –  We all know things don’t always go as planned!

Push Back – Don’t accept “no” as the final answer; provide details as to why your plan should work.  Same token, don’t be afraid to say “no” when warranted

Be The Calm – Anticipate changing priorities; it may not be a crisis, but “it” may dictate that your plan needs to change

Check Your Ego – Being confident is a plus, being cocky is not

Be Good Enough – Being “good” may serve you better than being “perfect”

Take Risks – Prepare, but take steps forward. Sometimes we just need to “move along”

Practice Self-Care – Don’t forget the value you provide; some may try to erode it so remind yourself of your strengths

Push Yourself –  Expand your comfort zone; growth takes time and dedication
Have you identified your growth areas? What actions have you taken so far?

QWIKTIPS – click to read about ACTIONS AND BELIEFS

Confidence is a Must

Confidence is the stuff that turns thoughts into actions. —Richard Petty, OSU Professor

When it comes to confidence, gender matters. Regardless of qualifications and accomplishments, studies show that men are almost always more confident than women, even when women are more talented.

Why?  Again, many studies have been conducted, but the common theme is that women are more likely to be perfectionists, and if things don’t go 100% as planned, they view it as a failure. Think about that. We think everyone plans for 100% success, but is that reality?

Success can require persistence, a behavior we frequently talk about. We define it as “The quality of continuing steadily despite problems or difficulties”. That’s reality! We need to learn from our set-backs, we need to assess what went well and what did not, we need to determine what could be done differently, and we need to pay attention to what we’re feeling and hearing.

Confidence is a “must have” for leaders! Without it we won’t be as willing to share our ideas or propose alternative solutions.And, confidence has been found to inspire and motivate others more so than intelligence and competence.

Regardless of gender, we all have “gremlins” (author Rick Carson defines them as “self- defeating behaviors and beliefs).

So what can we do? First of all, become aware. What gnaws at you? What creates a pit in your stomach? What prevents you from taking action? Peter Barron Stark shares that confidence improves when you:

Are happy: Feel positive about your ability to lead people and deal with daily challenges.

Have better relationships: Enter into positive, productive relationships.

Are motivated and ambitious: Set goals and commit to accomplishing them.

Laugh more: Find humor even in challenging situations, and put things into perspective.

Are open to risks: Forge into the unknown and learn from your mistakes.

Recognize success: Look for opportunities to genuinely recognize the success of others, and accept and be receptive to compliments.

Accept feedback: Welcome feedback from others and put their ideas into action.

Think for yourself: Live your core values . . . ensure your words and actions are aligned and consistent.

How’s your confidence level?  Do you turn your thoughts into actions?
QWIKTIPS – DOES GENDER MATTER – click to read more!

Collaboration in the Workplace

Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. Mattie Stepanek

Last week we talked about how we’re all on overload and need to ensure that our interactions and meetings are meaningful and that we create the “right” environment.

Today we’ll take it a bit deeper and focus on COLLABORATION. Kenneth W. Thomas and Ralph H. Kilmann created a Conflict Mode Instrument which includes 5 components; today we’ll only address COLLABORATION.

They define COLLABORATION as:

  • Assertive and Cooperative – Win/Win
  • Working together to find a solution that fully satisfies the concerns of both
  • Digging into an issue to identify underlying concerns and finding an alternative that meets both sets of concerns
  • The downside of collaboration is that it may be time consuming, so reserve it’s use for major issues, be willing to truly listen, and obtain alignment on what you’re trying to achieve.

Natalia Jones and Jean Scheid provide another perspective on collaboration. Excerpts include:

Advantages of Collaboration in the Workplace:

  • The Collaborative Process Combines Different Perspectives
  • Workplace Collaboration Encourages Creativity
  • Collaboration Takes Advantage of Synergies
  • Workplace Collaboration Brings Balance to Decision Making
  • Collaboration May Improve Delivery Times (as a result of working together)

Disadvantages of Collaboration in the Workplace:

  • The Incidence of Group Think (when stronger personalities take control)
  • Possible Ambiguity in Roles and Responsibility (lack of defined “who” does “what”)
  • The Cost of Collaboration May Be High (large numbers of participants can equate to greater time and cost)
  • Collaboration Often Leads to Longer Decision Times (how many decision-makers are involved)
  • Conflict Within the Group (ineffective communication can cause clashes and muddle objectives)
  • For more visit: http://www.brighthub.com/office/collaboration/articles/73856.aspx.
    We still view COLLABORATION as a win-win skill-set. What do you think?



Interactions and Environment

Do you struggle with the interactions you have with your boss, peers, or direct reports? Do you find that some just flow and are extremely productive where as others seem stagnant and have minimal benefit/results?

Everyone is on overload so we need to ensure our interactions and meetings are meaningful. We’re all pretty good about having an agenda and talking points, but as leaders we also need to set the right environment.

E-Coach, one of our strategic partners, believes that it’s up to us as leaders to create the right environment in order to achieve desired results. They have identified the 3 most important elements as:

  • Trust– the general belief that members can rely on each other. Two kinds of trust are important: task-related trust and interpersonal trust.
  • Cohesiveness– the attachment members feel toward each other, the group, and the task. In other words, the bonds that hold the group together.
  • Supportiveness– the tendency for members to encourage each other, care about each other, and treat each other with respect.

A few other suggestions include:

  • Strive to understand other people’s point of view
  • React openly, honestly, and freely
  • Communicate clearly, concisely, and directly
  • Treat every participant as an equally valued contributor

For those with a QwikCoach license, click to read more

How would you rate your interactions and environment?

QWIKTIPS AT WORK  –  click to read more!

Worst Behaviors

Leadership should be born out of the understanding of the needs of those who would be affected by it.–Marian Anderson

Gallop reports that 70% of motivation levels are attributed directly to leadership.

Last week we shared the results of a global study for the reasons people quit their jobs and the 5 step PRIDE process to help with retention.

This week we’re sharing yet another perspective. The University of California found that motivated employees were 31% more productive than those less engaged, and were 87% less likely to quit their job. And, Gallop reports that 70% of motivation levels are attributed directly to leadership.

We frequently share effective leadership skills and behaviors, and now want to share “Worst Behaviors” as listed by Dr. Travis Bradberry.

  1. Making a lot of stupid rules
  2. Letting accomplishments go unrecognized
  3. Hiring and promoting the wrong people
  4. Treating everyone equally
  5. Tolerating poor performance
  6. Going back on their commitments
  7. Being apathetic
  8. All companies have rules and processes, and as leaders we may not have the ability/authority to change them.  What we CAN do is explain the rationale and listen to and acknowledge how people are feeling.

We regularly share the need for consistently recognizing and rewarding accomplishments – enough said!

Our mottos are “Hire Hard or Manage Hard” and “It’s essential to hire the right person for the right job”. If you don’t, everyone suffers.

Number 4 sounds fair, but is it? Should a star performer be treated the same as someone who merely “shows up”?

When leaders don’t address poor performance, the morale and attitude of the entire team is impacted.

Authenticity and trust can not be compromised – EVER.

People wanted to be treated as people, not as productivity statistics. Invest the time to get to know your team, their likes/dislikes, what they do off hours, etc. Relationships improve motivation and grow results!

What are you doing to improve motivation levels?


Recruit and Retain with PRIDE

Research indicates that workers have three prime needs: Interesting work, recognition for doing a good job, and being let in on things that are going on in the company.
–Zig Ziglar

Recruit and retain talent. Those are two of the biggest challenges companies are facing today. It impacts performance, budgets, morale, and it certainly impacts results.

So why are people leaving?

A global survey of 10,000 people was conducted. Anne Holub, Money Magazine shares the following reasons:

  1. Because they didn’t have room to grow
  2. Poor leadership (note: other surveys rank this #1)
  3. Wanting better work culture
  4. Wanting more challenging work
  5. Wanted better pay
  6. Wanted better recognition at work

As leaders, we can help improve numbers 2, 3, 4, and 6. We may even be able to take action on #5. (#1 will vary greatly dependent on the industry and organization). So what can we do?

Improve Retention & Productivity With PRIDE

Business consultant Greg Smith has defined a five step PRIDE process to help with retention and productivity:

P    Provide a Positive Working Environment (links with #3 above)

R    Recognize, Reward and Reinforce the Right Behavior (links with #6 and #5 above)

I      Involve and Engage (links with #4 above)

D    Develop Skills and Potential (links with #1 and #4)

E    Evaluate and Measure (links with #2, #3, and #4

How much time do you dedicate to your team members? Do you have consistent monthly one on ones that address progress, obstacles, and accomplishments? Are you aware of desired career paths? Do you review and update development plans? Is feedback a two-way process? Do you leverage mentorships and cross training? Is your reward and recognition process consistent?


How can you use PRIDE to retain your organization’s talent?

QWIKTP BONUS READING – Rewards and Recognition

MLK – A Courageous Leader

Average leaders focus on results, and that’s it. Good leaders focus also on the behaviors that will get the results. And great leaders focus, in addition, on the emotions that will drive these behaviors.
–Hitendra Wadhwa (professor, Columbia Business School / Founder, Mentora Institute)

This week the United States celebrated the life and memory of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. King means many things to many people. He was:

  • A great preacher
  • A civil-rights activist
  • An advocate of non-violence
  • A great leader

We want to add that he was a “Courageous Leader”. It required courage to control his anger, to not return violence with violence, and to maintain and promote his mission of peace.

Dr. King influenced so many without being arrogant, without being a bully, without looking down and speaking poorly of others, and without being divisive. His focus was on peace and unity, and one of his most famous quotes was: “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?”

Inspiring Quotes From Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. had hundreds of inspiring quotes. We like one below, and replaced the words “education” and “educate” with “leadership” and “lead” to add a different twist:

The function of LEADERSHIP is to LEAD one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true LEADERSHIP.

Here are some more Martin Luther King, Jr. quotes that we’d like you to think about in terms of leadership:

  • A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.
  • Means we use must be as pure as the ends we seek.
  • Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.
  • The quality, not the longevity, of one’s life is what is important.
  • The time is always right to do what is right.
  • Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.
  • The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

Leadership Insights Based on MLK’s “I Have a Dream” Speech

Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech highlighted what great leaders do. Michael Hyatt published an article based on this speech and shares the following insights (with our comments beside them).

  • Great leaders do not sugar-coat reality. They deliver hard messages and share realistic expectations.
  • Great leaders engage the heart. They understand the importance of being passionate about what you do.
  • Great leaders refuse to accept the status quo. The need for growth and innovation is a constant.
  • Great leaders create a sense of urgency. Time is always an important factor.
  • Great leaders call people to act in accord with their highest values. Integrity is the top rated leadership value.
  • Great leaders refuse to settle. Persist and persevere!
  • Great leaders acknowledge the sacrifice of their followers. Recognize and reward efforts and accomplishments.
  • Great leaders paint a vivid picture of a better tomorrow. True leaders are visionaries.

The list of what great leaders do could be endless, but one we’re big on is that leaders must have courage.

Without courage you’ll never step out of your comfort zone, you’ll likely not live your dream, and you probably won’t empower yourself and others to go where they have never gone before.

We challenge you to live your life with courage and to leverage it to be the leader you aspire to be!

QwikTip and QwikCoach

PeopleTek’s Strategic partner, E-Coach, specializes in online coaching tools.


And for those with a QwikCoach license, refresh your existing skills and acquire new skills by visiting the QwikTips library for leadership ideas and techniques.

If you don’t have QwikCoach, it’s an excellent resource for growing your leadership skills remotely that you should consider.


Help turn your leadership knowledge into leadership action!

Assessment Time!

As we set our targets for 2017, it’s a good time for an assessment. Last week we shared a checklist to help you gain momentum, and now we suggest completing an assessment from an individual perspective, as well as for that of your organization.

It’s nothing fancy or new, but it helps with clarity and increases awareness. Take some time and reflect on:

  • What worked well in 2016?
  • What “misses” did you have in 2016? Why?
  • What changes were made in 2016?
  • What changes are required for 2017?
  • What behaviors helped individuals and organizations thrive?
  • What behaviors hindered achieving goals and creating stronger relationships?
  • What do you think your skill-set (from a people perspective) is strongest?
  • What areas require development? We’ve created a COMPASS; we recommend incorporating these key points into your assessment:

C     Clarity and Communication

O     Optimize Differences

M     Manage Change

P     Plan, Persist, Organize

A     Appropriately Handle Conflict

S     Sustain and Enhance Relationships

S     Skillfully Influence Others

QWIKTIP BONUS: Read more about PeopleTek’s COMPASS

Jan 5 2017 Checklist for 2017

Happy New Year!  We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and are now ready to jump into 2017.  Below is a checklist we recommend you review, modify as needed, and share with your staff to gain momentum for achieving desired results.

First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end.”

Vision and Mission Statements

Make sure your written vision and mission statements are clearly communicated and shared with your organization.  We suggest you post them in public areas.

Goals and Tasks

Ensure ALL goals and tasks support your vision and mission and are meaningful to those that must support them.


Institute milestones and target dates so you have the ability to track progress.

Strengths and weaknesses; revisit both from individual and organizational perspectives

Understand and share the strengths of the organization and link them with goal achievement and development planning.

Development plans (individual and organizational)

Document developmental goals; include training needs and target dates.  This could include cross training, on the job training, in-house training or outside coaching and development. Revisit them monthly.

Career Planning

Know and put it writing your career intentions, timelines and growth areas.

Reward and Recognition system

Link your reward system with goal attainment and results.

Communication Model

Understand how to best communicate with your team and organization and ensure others understand what is expected of them.

Succession Planning

Build bench strength within your organization.  Every position should have 1 or 2 individuals identified as possible replacements.  Also, groom your own replacement.  Should an opportunity come your way you don’t want to be held back if you’re viewed as indispensable in your position.

Include in your checklist time for you.  We’ve mentioned if before, but even if it’s only 15 minutes a day, build in time for self-reflection and personal development. All of us possess the traits and characteristics required to be successful leaders.   Use the checklist to help you best apply them.

Let us know if we can help!