Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and are now ready to jump into 2017. Below is a checklist we recommend you review, modify as needed, and share with your staff to gain momentum for achieving desired results.
First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end.”
Vision and Mission Statements
Make sure your written vision and mission statements are clearly communicated and shared with your organization. We suggest you post them in public areas.
Goals and Tasks
Ensure ALL goals and tasks support your vision and mission and are meaningful to those that must support them.
Institute milestones and target dates so you have the ability to track progress.
Strengths and weaknesses; revisit both from individual and organizational perspectives
Understand and share the strengths of the organization and link them with goal achievement and development planning.
Development plans (individual and organizational)
Document developmental goals; include training needs and target dates. This could include cross training, on the job training, in-house training or outside coaching and development. Revisit them monthly.
Career Planning
Know and put it writing your career intentions, timelines and growth areas.
Reward and Recognition system
Link your reward system with goal attainment and results.
Communication Model
Understand how to best communicate with your team and organization and ensure others understand what is expected of them.
Succession Planning
Build bench strength within your organization. Every position should have 1 or 2 individuals identified as possible replacements. Also, groom your own replacement. Should an opportunity come your way you don’t want to be held back if you’re viewed as indispensable in your position.
Include in your checklist time for you. We’ve mentioned if before, but even if it’s only 15 minutes a day, build in time for self-reflection and personal development. All of us possess the traits and characteristics required to be successful leaders. Use the checklist to help you best apply them.
Let us know if we can help!