Certified Professional Coach

Deanna Coffin

About Deanna Coffin

Building on a successful 35+ years’ corporate career as a leadership coach, executive consultant, learning program content creator, and facilitator for a Fortune 100 organization, I now own a leadership consulting company offering coaching, writing, content creation, presenting and more. As a Certified Professional in Talent Development and certified in many assessments, I am passionate about taking assessment data then using it to spark “ah-ha” moments in leaders, inspiring growth. Based in sunny South Florida, I have worked virtually, supporting geographically dispersed leadership teams for 20+ years.

Education / Certifications

  • S. in Workforce Education and Development, Southern Illinois University
  • CPTD® Certified Professional in Talent Development, ATD
  • Certified in the EQ-i and EQ 360, MHS
  • Certified in the MBTI, Strong Interest Inventory, DiSC, and other assessments
  • Coaching Certificate awarded by Association of Talent Development
  • Harvard Leadership Program Certificate awarded by Harvard Business Publishing
  • Master Certification in Leadership Readiness Assessment Centers, awarded by DDI and AON
  • Certificates awarded in many other assessments and development programs