Leadership Interview – Dr. Fischler, Part 1

In part 1 of this 2 part video series, Michael Kublin, President of PeopleTek Coaching, talks with Dr. Abe Fischler regarding his knowledge and expertise on leadership. Continue below for a summary of their discussion and part 2 of this video series.

Being a Leader is Being a Teacher

Dr. Fischler references Phil Jackson and his tremendous leadership skills in leading multiple basketball teams to national championships. To him it came across that Jackson viewed leadership as teaching and helping people improve, which is a belief Fischler shares.

Where Does Leadership Start?

According to Dr. Fischler, leadership starts with figuring out your own leadership style. Not everyone is going to have the same leadership style as you. You must always be observant of your own behaviors and reflect on them to improve and to achieve your goal. This could be your bottom line in the corporate world or bettering a player’s performance on a sports team.

Mistakes Leaders Make

Fischler cites the inability to control emotions and one’s emotional response as a mistake leaders often make. You cannot lose your cool as a leader, especially in a public setting. It always works against what you are trying to achieve.

Techniques to Keep Knowledge Growing

The desire to be a self-learner is important. This can start very early in childhood. You should examine your own behavior to learn how to improve. This learning and improving is a continual process.

Dr. Abe Fischler’s Leadership Style

Fischler conducted a great deal of clinical supervision at Harvard, which consists of recording a class/lesson as it takes place, and then viewing the video and analyzing students’ responses and behaviors to find out what is effective in that class.

This sums up his leadership style as it is focused on observation. To be a good observer you need data; then you present the facts for analysis. You cannot argue with seeing yourself on camera behaving a certain way.

Kublin adds that if you don’t have a camera at your disposal getting direct feedback from other people has always worked great for him to grow leadership.

Leadership Interview – Dr. Fischler, Part 2

This is the continuation and part 2 of the discussion with Dr. Abe Fischler, President Emeritus, Nova Southeastern University, regarding his knowledge and expertise on leadership. Read below for a summary of their talk.

Accountability is Key

Dr. Fischler speaks from his experience as President of a University for over 20 years. He told each Dean what he was going to hold them accountable for at the time of hire, and then he would let them handle those things per their individual style. His vision was giving the Deans ownership and accountability and empowering them to lead and holding them accountable for the results (quality) and the institution’s economic viability. In turn he created a team. When Dr. Fischler did need to give critique, his method of coaching was healthy, respectful feedback that is one on one.

Tip For Being a Continuous Learner When Leading

When leading an organization (of any kind) you must understand that the culture of an institution starts at the top. People need to feel they have some control and are able to make decisions without always having to check with you. In short, avoid micromanaging. Respect your team’s knowledge and their style of doing things; you chose them for a reason.

Fischler says that once continual learning becomes part of you, you just do it. Mike Kublin adds that you are leading yourself first, and need to take the responsibility, ownership, and accountability to begin and keep going.

Balancing Practical Side & People Side

Fischler gives an example of project manager. The team is working collectively to produce something, and the project manager cannot do it without them. When someone does not do their part it affects everyone, including the entire company/organization. When you are leading you need to understand everything involved to achieve your goals. Having both the practical side and people side and balancing them is critical.

Parting Words – Always Be Positive

Develop a leadership style you are comfortable with that is positive and reinforce the positive behaviors of your team. Focus on successes and try to minimize being critical. People respond better to positive reinforcement than to punishment.