It’s that time of year to take a pulse on successes and unfinished business. It’s also time to create and execute a plan for what’s left to be done in 2012.
- What have you accomplished this year?
- What has your team accomplished this year?
- What goals have been missed or neglected?
- What’s your priority?
It’s also time to plan for 2013 strategies and goals.
- Do you have the right team in place?
- Are you building bench strength?
- Is “up-skilling” required?
- Do relationships need to be enhanced?
- What changes could be made to make 2013 more successful than 2012?
Don’t wait, plan for excellence now!
We can help!
Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning,
and focused effort.
–Paul J. Meyer (founder of Success Motivation Institute)