Keep On Truckin’

Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible, and suddenly
you are doing the impossible.
—St. Francis of Assisi

Keep on Truckin’ is an oldie but goodie slogan from the 60s (some reports even say from the 30s!) that to many simply meant “hang in there”.  Seems like this a good time to remind ourselves, and others, to do just that!

Even those with the most positive mindset are feeling worn-out. When will we have normalcy, and what will define the new normal? No one knows the answer, but we can define how we address the unknowns, and hopefully along the way also help others.

Components required for success have not changed. Goals still need to be achieved with our vision and mission continually supported. Innovative thinking and enhancing existing processes are never ending, and we need to be aware of how we feel, and even more importantly be acutely aware if our attitude is dimming. So, what can we do?

Success contributor Lydia Sweatt provides 17 quotes to help us with a refresh.

  1. Your limitation—it’s only your imagination.
  2. Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.
  3. Sometimes later becomes never. Do it now.
  4. Great things never come from comfort zones.
  5. Dream it. Wish it. Do it.
  6. Success doesn’t just find you. You have to go out and get it.
  7. The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.
  8. Dream bigger. Do bigger.
  9. Don’t stop when you’re tired. Stop when you’re done.
  10. Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction.
  11. Do something today that your future self will thank you for.
  12. Little things make big days.
  13. It’s going to be hard, but hard does not mean impossible.
  14. Don’t wait for opportunity. Create it.
  15. Sometimes we’re tested not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths.
  16. The key to success is to focus on goals, not obstacles.
  17. Dream it. Believe it. Build it.

Do you have any favorites? Did any make you smile or maybe even cringe? One of our favorites is Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction.

Hang in there!

The comeback is always stronger than the setback.
Dr. Jill Murray



Relationships and Staying Connected

Everything we do right now — from sending emails to making calls to sending texts — is more important than ever. How we make people feel now is going to linger longer than these turbulent times.—Barbara Palmer

No doubt about it, work relationships are essential. It doesn’t matter if you’re a small business or work for a large corporation, are self-employed, or work in the service industry. All require that we stay connected and show genuine interest in those we interact with.

Networking and building relationships have changed in our current world. We still need to consider and connect with customers/clients, suppliers/buyers, shareholders/stakeholders,  and maybe public figures, vendors, and government agencies. Regardless of your line of work, you can’t let relationships go cold.

It’s not a good time to invite others to lunch or jointly attend a conference, but you can use email, social media, or zoom/webex, etc to have casual check-ins. Simply asking how they are doing and sharing wishes that their co-workers and family members are well opens doors and creates a connection. You can also ask about their line of work; many are suffering and a friendly ear that simply listens is valuable. Listen more than you talk!

For those that you have less frequent contact with, keep track of when you’ve last reached out to them. Jot down notes about your last connection and personalize the follow up for future touch points. (There are many tools available to use and even excel can be helpful to track names, dates and topics).

And, you can’t forget about those you work with on a daily basis: direct reports, colleagues, co-workers, bosses, outsource partners, etc.  What are you doing to stay connected and show you care about them? Most all are getting weary with “isolation”, and in the past vacation time was used to refresh and have a change of scenery. This is no longer the case; a friend pointed out that very few are taking time off as how that time is spent is limited. Most want fun, travel, or rest and relaxation in a desirable setting and those options are mostly on hold.

If you’re a leader, make your connection more than just about work assignments and quality reviews. There are many jokes, comics, and images that can be shared to make each day brighter and create a chuckle. Who wouldn’t appreciate something to smile about?

Relationships are the basis for all of life’s rewards and struggles.
–Lee Colan

Master Your Mindset

What’s the biggest difference between those who succeed and those who don’t? Mindset.
–Karima Mariama-Arthur

To say that 2020 has been an interesting year is an under-statement. We‘ve all experienced change, and for some, challenges. How successful have you been at maintaining a positive mindset? Have you been able to achieve what you desire? Has your ability to stay on track and assess your progress been successful, or have you encountered (or created) barriers? As the quote at the top of the page says,  our mind-set creates the biggest difference.

6 Essential Mindset Principles that will help (excerpts from Julian Hayes)

1. Keep your word to yourself.
This builds self-respect and a positive identity. Successful people understand that every time you break the promises you make to yourself, you feed your identity as an impostor and weaken your self-confidence as a person of action.

2. Use envy to your advantage.
Successful people understand that beneath the layers of envy lies a core need they desire. Ask yourself why you feel envy. Once you know the root cause, you can address ways to gain the things you want, like time and freedom, right now while building your dream.

3. Have no self-pity.
One of the big differentiators between those who stay the course along the journey of personal growth compared to those who get off track lies within the ability to rebound quickly from setbacks. Successful people understand that wallowing and making excuses for themselves only zaps their personal power. When you blame external circumstances, you’re effectively giving your personal power away.

4. Understand that ‘failure’ is feedback.
Failure is about perspective; there is no such thing unless you deem it that. Successful people understand that failure is an illusion created inside their minds, and they perform mental alchemy to construct an empowering reality instead.

5. Operate with an investor’s mentality.
Like investments, your personal journey will experience its peaks and valleys. Successful people understand that emotions and outcomes rise and fall along the way. The key is to stay the course and view the journey as a marathon, not a sprint. Operate with an investor’s mentality and delay gratification today for something great tomorrow.

6. Fixate on the vision but be flexible on the details.
Think of your goals as the destination and the various actions, habits, and strategies as your vehicles. Numerous potential vehicles can help you arrive at your desired destination; the key lies in finding the right ones uniquely suited to you. Successful people are stubborn with what they want, but they understand that arriving at the end destination will involve detours and unexpected side roads to explore.

Have you successfully mastered your mind-set? Do you need to look at things from a different perspective? Be aware that “gremlins” sometime get in the way; when you’re prepared for possible barriers or obstacles, you’re better positioned to overcome them.

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
– Napoleon Hill

Inclusiveness Is A Major Factor

Many employees do not feel fully included at work and want their organizations to do more to advance inclusion and diversity.
–McKinsey & Company

It’s probably no surprise that the feeling of inclusiveness in the workplace impacts employee engagement, productivity, relationships and the commitment to support organizational goals. A study by McKinsey & Company says:

  • many employees have considered organizations’ inclusiveness while making career decisions, yet almost half of all respondents do not feel very included at their organizations
  • 39% of all respondents say they have turned down or decided not to pursue a job because of a perceived lack of inclusion at an organization.

This study also found that respondents from ALL backgrounds experienced some kind of issue with inclusiveness, and the issues increased for women, ethnic and racial minorities, and those with alternative gender identities.

The Top 4 Factors For Feelings of Inclusiveness

1.Diverse, Inclusive Leadership
Having a diverse leadership team helps, but even if the leader is not part of a minority group, building cohesive and collaborative teams helps, as does having a leader that truly cares about ALL their workers.

2.Meritocracy and Initiatives to Increase Fairness in Performance Evaluations
A culture based on merit increases feelings of inclusion, but gender does play a role:
-40% of men say meritocracy has boosted their careers
-Less than one-third of women say the same

3. Sponsorship
Having a sponsor (or mentor) aids career advancement, and those with multiple supporters experience an increased feeling of inclusiveness

4. Substantive Access to Senior Leaders
The ability to have meaningful interactions with Senior Leaders increased feelings of inclusiveness, but once again gender was an issue. 57% of males reported that interacting with senior leaders helped their career growth, but that number was reduced to 45% for women.

So what can a leader do? Start by displaying inclusive behaviors. Next, make an effort to build relationships with ALL colleagues and team members, and become a sponsor/mentor for a variety of people. Also, commit to continual learning which includes keeping current with diversity and inclusion issues.

Make a difference!

A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions,
and outcomes for everyone.
— Sundar Pichai

Colleagues You Want Around

Never lose sight of the fact that the most important yardstick of your success
will be how you treat people – your family, friends, and coworkers,
and even strangers you meet along the way.
–Barbara Bush

What type of co-workers do you like to surround yourself with? Probably those who have the necessary skills to contribute to goal attainment, but what else? Common desired skills include the ability to trust, the desire for results, being accountable, but there’s more.

What about someone that is just fun to be around and has an upbeat personality?

Here are excerpts from Travis Bradberry’s 11 Secrets of Irresistible People:

1.They treat EVERYONE with respect.
Irresistible people treat everyone with respect because they
believe they’re no better than anyone else.

2.They follow the Platinum Rule.
Not the Golden Rule, rather it’s treating others as they want to be treated

3.They ditch the small talk.
Irresistible people create connections and find depth even in short, everyday conversations

4.They focus on people more than anything else.
Irresistible people possess an authentic interest in those around them

5.They don’t try too hard.
Irresistible people don’t make it all about them

6.They recognize the difference between fact and opinion.
Irresistible people recognize that people may see things

7.They are authentic.
They know that no one likes a fake

8.They have integrity.
They avoid talking bad about other people, and they do the right thing

9.They smile.
Smiling during conversations will likely have the other person do the same

10.They make an effort to look their best.
Looking your best is a sign of respect for those you interact with

11.They find reasons to love life.
They approach problems as temporary obstacles, not inescapable fate

Are you the type of colleague you’d want to surround yourself with? Is there anything you’d like to change?

Work joyfully and peacefully, knowing that right thoughts and right efforts
will inevitably bring about right results.
—James Allen

Thinking Strategically

If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.
–George S. Patton

As leaders we make decisions every day that are critical to the success of our work culture. Why not have a course of action that aligns with your overall workplace strategy?

Here’s a 7 Step Process outlined by the Harvard Business Press:

1.   See the big picture
2.   Articulate Strategic Objectives- Smart Goals
3.   Identify Relationships, Patterns and Trends
4.   Get Creative
5.   Analyze Information
6.   Prioritize Your Actions
7.   Make Trade-Offs

What’s your Big Picture? Where do you want to take your organization in the next 3-5 years? Link and support this vision by including the following key processes:

Hiring – What’s required to strengthen the workplace? (Skill-set as well as leadership and collaborative behaviors).

Training and Development – Is any up-skilling required? What about Technical or Leadership bench-strength?

Rewards – Do you consistently appreciate and recognize when value has been added?

Communication – Has the Vision been shared? Are meaningful updates provided?

Change/Conflict – Decisions are costly and can help or hurt the bottom line; don’t disregard differing opinions and immediately address opposing actions.

The intent is to have your team align and collaborate for the attainment of desired results. Success occurs when all colleagues understand how the processes and critical behaviors align with the strategy.

How does your workplace and leadership team support Strategic Thinking?

Strategic thinking rarely occurs spontaneously.
—Michael Porter

The 4 Channels of Communication

Do you have a clear understanding of how your leader and customers wish to be communicated with?

Does your staff or your peers have a clear understanding of how YOU want to be communicated with?

Does everyone know what is expected of them in terms of what should be communicated when?

Is there a high level of comfort for giving and receiving feedback?

Chances are the answer is “no” to at least one of these questions.

Communication–the human connection–is the key to personal and career success.
–Paul J. Meyer

Picking the right channel of communication is a key skill for all leaders. To do this well you have to understand the richness of the channel and the type of message best suited for that channel.

The 4 Channels of Communication

It’s important to understand the channels of communication that we use all the time and how they may affect our message (in order of richness).

1. Face to face

Why is this the richest? Think about your tone of voice, posture, gestures, eye contact, and body position/language.

2. Telephone

What can you detect from hearing a voice? What might you miss?

3. Computer/email/social media

All you have is the ability to share text although some people try to use emojis, parentheses, italics, or bold type to denote their emotional perspective. Has your message ever been misinterpreted?

4. Brochures/bulletins/flyers

This is meant for the widest possible audience; everyone on distribution gets the same message, and, you don’t always know who read it.

All channels of communication serve a purpose dependent on what’s being communicated.

Given that, the first thing we suggest is to know the audience and the message of the communiqué. Before it’s delivered identify the reason, the main points and anticipate questions and responses.

Be prepared for the following questions:

  • What is happening?
  • Why is it happening?
  • How and when is it going to happen?
  • Who is being impacted? How?
  • How will concerns be addressed?

Preparing in advance and anticipating questions (and maybe even some resistance) will allow you to deliver your message with clarity and confidence.

What communication model works best for you?


What’s A Good Leader?

Leadership is not a position or title, it is action and example.
–Donald McGannon

Leadership means different things to different people. Today we’d like to feature and share the thoughts of a few of our Certified Professional Leaders. (The opportunity to obtain this certification is exclusively for Leadership Journey Alumni that have completed PeopleTek’s 12 session leadership program and passed an exam validating their understanding of the concepts and skills required for effective leadership).

Excerpts from What’s A Good Leader:

A good leader is someone who demonstrates passion, integrity, conviction and compassion in their everyday life. Good leaders take self-care seriously and encourage development of their people. They coach and mentor others and listen more than they speak. They are impactful by how they empower and support the success of others.
—J. Hartman

Leadership has nothing to do with titles but is the capacity to translate vision into reality. Leaders will be those who empower others, influence others, who has followers. It’s taking people where they’ve never gone before and wouldn’t go by themselves.
—S. Gupta

Leadership is a journey, not a destination. A good leader takes time to reflect, to get feedback, to identify areas to work on, to constantly grow and improve. Leaders must first know themselves in order to effectively lead others.
—T. Infante

A good leader is self-aware and understands the strengths and development needs of the individuals of the team, recognizing we each come to the table with different approaches and preferences that each have value in a given situation.
—A. Koldys

Good leaders don’t leave people behind. They don’t charge forward without others. They mobilize others and continually inspire them to strive toward the destination.
—S. Nair

Someone who is approachable, consistent, persistent, disarming, and who can actively listen; assertively communicate decisively; can tap into and utilize diversity (in styles) wisely and strategically, acknowledges others’ strengths, gifts/”magic dust,” and, can effectively engage, and provide clear guidance.
—M. Pargman

The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves. A good leader not only sets high standards, but also develops, encourages, and enables their team to reach their full potential.
—A. Rodriguez

A leader is someone who is constantly learning and crafting their skills to be the next best version of themselves . . . a leader is an inspiration to those around them.
—G. Resnick

How would you define good leadership? Which of the quotes above resonate most with you?

True leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders.
—Tom Peters

Collaboration Sparks Ideas

Let the best idea win, and you will reap the rewards together.
–John C. Maxwell

Do ideas and improvement opportunities flow within your work culture? Are people willing to speak up and share their ideas knowing they won’t be ignored or disregarded?

What about having a suggestion box where ideas can be submitted and evaluated? Naturally all ideas can not be approved; they must be reviewed and the benefit compared to the cost to implement. Nonetheless, encouraging individuals and teams to get creative and collaborate on making things better is almost always a win.

John Maxwell says “Great thinking comes when good thoughts are shaped in a collaborative environment”.

He also shares that great leaders can create a work environment of idea sharing and collaboration by:

1. Listening To All Ideas
No ideas during a brainstorming process should be shot down. Some ideas may seem impossible, but in a collaborative environment, ideas can be built upon and fine-tuned until they become solid.

2. Never Settle For Just One Idea
Keep your options open and don’t be quick to select just one suggestion. The idea is that suggestions will just keep coming.

3. Look For Ideas in Unusual Places
Pay attention to what’s happening around you; what’s working well? What is not?

4. Don’t Take Rejection Personally
Our feelings may get hurt when we think our ideas are the best and others disagree. Listen to those differing opinions; more valuable ideas may surface.

Dedicate a meeting that’s an open forum to discuss improvement in general. Don’t limit it to process improvements and cost savings (although they are very important), but what about having a happier, more effective work culture? Better equipment? Technical support? Flexible work hours? Matrix management? Cross functional teams?

Start by asking “what could we do better”? Create the kind of culture where team members want to collaborate and have no fear sharing their ideas.

When entire companies embrace a growth mindset, their employees report feeling far more empowered and committed; they also receive far greater organizational support for collaboration and innovation.
—Carol S. Dweck

Virtual Team Building

The difference between success and failure is a great team.
–Dave Kerpen

Building team strengths and relationships is always important, and given our current challenging times, even more so. We’ve talked about including in your weekly staff meeting time for team members to share something personal, but what about having something that is simply fun?

Enter ice breakers and games.  The intent is simple: build team relationships in a relaxed forum where people can share thoughts and opinions that are not linked with work efforts or deliverables.

Here are a few ideas:
1.    Remote bingo – click here for a free template and “how to” instructions
2.    Team “fave” week – pick a daily theme that everyone contributes to and posts a picture. Example:

a.    Monday – favorite animal photo
b.    Tuesday – favorite beverage (let the creativity flow!)
c.    Wednesday – favorite musical group
d.    Thursday – favorite food
e.    Friday – favorite vacation spot

3.    Conversation starters/ice breakers:

a.    Which do you prefer and why:  dogs or cats?
b.    Least favorite food?
c.    Do you consider yourself a morning or night person?
d.    What task are you most likely to procrastinate doing?
e.    What home “to do” has been on your list the longest?

4.    More activities

a.    “How to” – ex. mix a favorite drink, assemble a preferred recipe, paint a wall, bathe a dog, etc
b.    Show and tell – (you can set a theme if you prefer)
c.    Virtual book club – this could be a subset of the team
d.    Daily “step” challenge; who walks the most over a 5 day period.
e.    Teach an exercise.  Ex. Yoga, stretching, strength training, etc

5.    Daily Fika – this is a Swedish concept considered by many to be essential. Every day colleagues make time to share a cup of coffee (or tea) and a little something to eat.

Having a work culture that includes fun and encourages colleagues to get to know one another on a more personal level is a plus. It also helps to better understand and get to know the boss!

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.
–Henry Ford

Personality and Work Mode Preference

Extraverts are comfortable thinking as they speak. Introverts prefer slow-paced interactions that allow room for thought. Brainstorming does not work for them. Email does.
—Laurie Helgoe

It’s probably no surprise that our work mode preference is impacted by our personality. Some of us enjoy structured and group work environments while others prefer a quieter and perhaps even isolated environment.

The Myers-Briggs Company has a tool: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) that assesses preferences and breaks them into 16 categories. Are you familiar with MBTI and do you know your type?  What about the types for your colleagues/direct reports?

You may ask why this matters. Currently there’s the need for so many to work from home, with “essential workers” mandated to continue to go to work; both may have their “happy factor” impacted.

We won’t go into the 16 types, but based on some high-level feedback, there are pluses, and there are negatives. Sample feedback includes:

  • I am more productive
  • I miss being able to talk to people informally
  • I am less stressed
  • I enjoy the solitude
  • I am more engaged with my work
  • I feel lonely
  • I am better organized
  • I take more breaks from work
  • I am frustrated by slow communication from co-workers
  • I feel isolated
  • I am not aware of what is happening in my organization
  • I can be easily reached by co-workers
  • I can easily reach my co-workers
  • I have job security

Do you know your team members well enough to know which comment(s) they agree or disagree with? What about knowing who needs help with:

  • Staying organized
  • Respecting deadlines
  • Celebrating tasks, goals, or accomplishments
  • Pre and post deliverable check-ins
  • General communication

As a leader awareness is key, and we encourage you to understand and adapt to the differing styles and preferences of those you work with, and for.

Introverts like being introverts. We are drawn to ideas, we are passionate observers, and for us, solitude is rich and generative. — Laurie Helgoe

Integrity Gauge

A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.
–Douglas MacArthur, American Five Start General

Does your work culture value integrity? If yes, does it conduct surveys and solicit feedback to validate their perceptions of integrity within the workplace?

We’ve worked with companies that do measure it (along with other dimensions), and sadly integrity year over year gets rated poorly.

It was felt that leadership did not exhibit the behaviors that were desired in others, and that the actions, processes, and communication (or lack of) did not support the company values and beliefs.

Gauge Yourself:
1.    I always act with positive intent
2.    I do not avoid answering questions truthfully, even when the issue is tough ex. layoffs
3.    I own up to my mistakes and take steps to not repeat them
4.    I am willing to say what I’m thinking, even when I’m in the minority
5.    I treat others fairly and respectfully regardless of position/title
6.    I lead by example
7.    I always fulfill my promises/commitments
8.    I’m respectful of others’ time and am always punctual
9.    I call others out when the work values are not supported
10. I don’t make excuses for poor behaviors or actions displayed by myself or others
11. I address disruptive behaviors and conflict quickly and respectfully
12. I am not easily influenced by those more senior to me when things seem “off” and remain true to myself
13. I encourage collaboration for the attainment of results
14. I make an effort to build a work culture that encompasses trust
15. I give credit when and where credit is due

So, how’s your integrity gauge? Is there anything you want to work on? Would others agree with your self-assessment?

It is true that integrity alone won’t make you a leader, but without integrity, you will never be one.― Zig Ziglar