Workplace Conflict

Organizational conflict, or workplace conflict, is a state of discord caused by the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests between people working together. Conflict takes many forms in organizations. Wikipedia

Let’s face it; conflict in the workplace DOES exist, and it may be more than simple differences and opposing views.

When you look at your organization, do you see:

  • Jealousy?
  • Competition?
  • Control issues?
  • Tension?
  • Frustration?
  • Power struggles?
  • Lack of collaboration
  • Bullying?
  • Certain people avoiding certain people?
  • One person everyone avoids?

Kenneth W. Thomas and Ralph H. Kilmann conducted studies and identified 5 conflict modes, each having a time and place for usage.

The COMPETING mode is most effective when quick, decisive action is required and for important issues that may be unpopular or are vital to the organization.

ACCOMMODATING is useful when preserving harmony is essential.

AVOIDING is useful when there are more pressing issues or when others are addressing the situation and don’t require your intervention.

COLLABORATING is useful when there are important issues on both sides which can not be compromised.

COMPROMISING is useful when there are time constraints and solutions must be obtained quickly.

Note: These are very brief definitions. The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict tool goes into much greater depths. Administering this tool to strengthen teamwork can be invaluable.

Effective leaders understand the value of the 5 conflict styles and readily adapt to the style most appropriate for each situation. It’s up to us as leaders to prevent any conflict from escalating into unhealthy situations. It’s also up to us to encourage healthy differences which can stimulate creativity, inspiration, and improve results.

Don’t let productivity, communication, collaboration, inspiration, morale, and growth suffer by ignoring workplace conflict.

I would submit effectively dealing with conflict is one of the most valuable skills a leader can possess.—Mike Myatt

Conflict or Synergy In A Multi Generational Workplace

Managing multi-generational workforces is an art in itself. Young workers want to make a quick impact, the middle generation needs to believe in the mission,
and older employees don’t like ambivalence.– Eric J. McNully

Does your workplace consist of a blend of multi generations? Do the differences add synergy or perhaps increase conflict? Let’s break it down into 5 generations (as reported by Katrina Plourde):

  • Silent Generation – born during the Great Depression and WWII (1925-1942)
  • Baby Boomers (1943-1964)
  • Generation X  (1965-1976)
  • Generation Y  (1977-1994)
  • Millennials      (1994 – )The intent is not to label people, but rather share the perceptions of what each generation is known for.The Silent Generation was considered hard working, optimistic, accountable, financially savvy, and optimistic about the future.

    Baby Boomers are considered to have strong workplace and family ideals and traditions, are relatively active, and uncertain what the future may hold.

    Gen X folks are thought to live in the present, like to experiment, desire immediate results, and may question authority. They also may be selfish and cynical.

    Gen Y / Millenials. Some consider these one and the same. Both are considered materialistic, selfish, and maybe even disrespectful. They are aware of the world, are technologically savvy, and may feel a sense of entitlement with high workplace expectations.

    It’s not all flattering, and we know these are generalizations, but the work culture may be impacted. As leaders, do you view this as an opportunity so the strengths of each generation can be leveraged, or do you view it as a thorn, and not quite certain what (if anything) you need to do?

    Consider if your team is truly a team or if it consists of a group of individuals with their own agenda. Do they have shared goals and do they work together to achieve them? Do they willingly share their skills and listen for the value others bring to the team? Can they be candid with one another and discus differences/conflict in a healthy manner?

    Bottom line, what are you doing to create synergy within your multi generational workplace?

The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.—Lee Iacocca

Under-Used Leadership Behavior?

Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They’re absolutely free and worth a fortune.—Sam Walton

Are you under-using any critical leadership behaviors? As leaders a lot is expected of us; we need to keep our skills sharp, our relationships strong, and we need to communicate effectively.

That’s just a starting point. We need to be accountable for all of our behaviors, we need to know what we’re doing well, we need to know which areas to develop, and we must acknowledge the accomplishments and contributions made by our direct reports (and colleagues too).

The old adage that people quit their boss and not their job is pretty accurate. We’ve previously shared that only 33% of employees are engaged at work – so what’s up with the 70%?

Research has found:
• 79% of employees say a major reason for quitting their job was due to lack of appreciation
• 65% of U.S. employees claim they received zero recognition in the past year
• Over half said they are more motivated by recognition/appreciation than money

Do these numbers surprise you and do they make you think about what, why, and how you show your appreciation?

We once worked with a leader that told us he expected everyone to go “above and beyond” and that as a result, there wasn’t anything exemplary to reward or show appreciation for. (No wonder his turnover rates were so high!)

Appreciation can be a simple thank-you or a financial bonus, and there’s a wide variety of things to recognize; here are but a few:
Accuracy/Customer Satisfaction
Financial Saves/Process Improvements
Driving Results/Inspiring Others
Positive Attitude/Collaborative
Top Performer/Goal Attainment

Whatever you do, make sure you’re authentic and provide the exact reason for the recognition. The recipient needs to clearly understand the praise, and they must know you’re sincere. This will help create a culture of engagement and positivity, reduce attrition, and lend itself to obtaining desired results.

Don’t neglect the power of appreciation; it’s definitely one leadership behavior not to under-use!

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. — William Arthur Ward

Appreciating Diversity and Differences

It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences. –Audre Lorde

When you hear the word “diversity”, what comes to mind? Per the Bing dictionary, it can mean a “variety of something such as opinion, color, or style”, it can be “ethnic variety, as well as socioeconomic and gender variety, in a group, society, or institution”, and it can be “a discrepancy, or a difference from what is normal or expected”.

And we’d like to add:

Appreciating and Leveraging Workplace Diversity In The Workplace Has Benefits
Knowledge, acceptance, and awareness are factors for becoming more diverse. How accepting are you of differences? Would you consider yourself and your organization to be diverse?  Do you appreciate differences, and do you leverage those differences to increase effectiveness?

Before you answer, think about what comes to mind when topics related to workplace diversity and differences surface. Do you think about race, culture, age, gender, sexual orientation and disabilities?

Do you also think about accents, education, physical size, spiritual orientation, and political preferences?

Differences are limitless. What’s key is our awareness, respect, and appreciation for how these differences strengthen our team, our organization, and our world.
We all have biases and filters. What we suggest is taking the time to examine our biases and recognize the impacts differences have on attitudes and actions with the ultimate goal to appreciate and utilize what’s different.

Studies show that diversity enhances learning; we grow our mindset when we listen, process, and understand differences (and maybe learn that our way isn’t the only way!)

Have you observed a variety of leadership skills, traits and behaviors within your organization? Do you relate equally to all styles? Do you find all of them effective? Chances are “no”.

Be cognizant of how these differing styles make you feel, and give thought as to why.  Appreciating and valuing differences lends itself to having a stronger team and organization.

Do you appreciate and learn from diversity and differences?

The person who is truly best suited to us is not the person who shares our tastes, but the person who can negotiate differences in taste intelligently and wisely.– Alain de Botton

Your Accountable Self

Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get
you where you want to go, no one else.—Les Brown

Do you consider accountability as one of your stronger traits?

Let’s start by defining it:
The quality or state of being accountable; an obligation, willingness and commitment to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions

It’s strictly up to us – no one can make us be accountable.  They may influence us, they may provide us with feedback, they may even put us on an improvement plan, but ultimately the choice is ours.

The first step is to clearly understand expectations

  • What are the desired end results?
  • How do we personally contribute to their achievement?
  • Do we have any role in adding clarity or helping others understand their involvement?

The next step is to be honest with ourselves

  • What are we committing to?
  • Are the tasks and associated time-frames realistic?
  • Do we have the required skill-set?
  • Do we need others to guide or assist us?
  • Are we able to admit mistakes when they occur?
  • Do we openly communicate and engage others when we get off track?
  • Are there other projects/priorities that may impact our commitments? Make them known!
  • Don’t be afraid to say “no”. Give thought to what you’re agreeing to; if you feel your commitment could be at risk, be open about it. Saying “yes” may not always serve you well.On a scale of 1-10, where would you rank yourself on accountability? Is there anything you could change?

I learned in an extremely hard way that the accountability falls with me.—Stephen Baldwin

Accountability, Actions, and Results

Successful teams cannot exist without accountability – high performance and accountability go hand-in-hand.—Henry J. Evans

It’s no surprise that levels of accountability impact results.  This includes not only ensuring you’re accountable for your own actions (or lack of), but that we also hold others accountable for what was agreed upon.

A true leader builds a culture where accountability and responsibility are the “norm”. There’s no fear of repercussions (bad reviews, stifled career growth, or a sense of failure). When someone is truly accountable they have no issue owning and learning from their mistakes, as well as celebrating their successes.

In addition to the leader/boss, in healthy teams, colleagues have the trust needed to address tasks, deliverables and deadlines that may be at risk. This is not easy, and to be clear, finger pointing is not how issues are addressed! Rather it’s identifying what desired results could be at risk and assessing if changes need to be made. Let’s face it, not everything goes as planned.

When issues arise, it’s great to ask questions like “how can I help” and “what could be done help us get back on track”.  Avoid the “Who” and “Why” questions as they cause defensiveness and may appear as a want to place blame.

John Miller, author of the QBQ shares that BLAME is to be avoided as it:

  • Indicts people
  • Destroys morale
  • Reduces creativity
  • Lowers productivity
  • Increases fear
  • Drives wedges between colleagues
  • Breaks down teams

So, what can we do to improve accountability?

  • Be specific about each commitment and associated time-frames
  • Seek clarity if a task or assignment is vague
  • Ensure those involved understand their role and obtain their buy-in
  • Communicate any changes that could impact what was agreed upon
  • Promptly address any behavior or action that could negatively impact desired results
  • Conduct regular check-ins; is everything on track? (based on the desired results, you’ll need to determine if “regular” means daily, weekly, monthly, etc)

It’s up to each of us to hold ourselves accountable and fulfill our commitments, and it’s also up to us to help others realize when their actions (or lack of) impact results.

Nothing gets fixed when we are fixated on who’s at fault.—John G. Miller

EQ – THE Performance Predictor

Research shows convincingly that EQ is more important than IQ in almost every role and many times more important in leadership roles.
– Dr. Stephen R. Covey

Some consider Emotional Intelligence (EQ) to be THE single biggest predictor of performance excellence in the workplace. By developing our EQ, (and yes, it can be developed), we position ourselves to more successfully cope with organizational demands and pressures.

Psychologist Steven Stein and psychiatrist Howard Book state that strong leaders have both a high IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and a developed EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient). Intelligence will only go so far; leaders must also be aware of how they present themselves, how they respond to others, and how others perceive them.

Our IQ is considered to be non-dynamic and is an indicator of how we perform intellectual tasks. Our EQ on the other hand can increase through self development and consists of 4 areas: Self awareness, self management, social awareness, and relationship management.

Self Awareness is critical when engaging in communication
Self Management is key for managing emotions in difficult situations
Social Awareness leverages awareness of others to perform at your peak
Relationship Management manages relationships to increase job performance and integrates EQ professionally and personally

Self-awareness and self-management are about you – do you know your strengths and weaknesses; are you a continual learner?

Social Awareness and Relationship Management are about how you interact with others. Are you in tune with their styles? Do you bring out the best in others?

Emotional intelligence is the genuine ability to feel emotions, understand what you’re feeling and why, understand how others are feeling, and respond appropriately. Having a high EQ builds relationships and fosters communication even in the most difficult of times.

Do you know your EQ?
More importantly, what are you doing to develop your EQ?

As more and more artificial intelligence is entering into the world, more and more emotional intelligence must enter into leadership.-― Amit Ray

Have You Decided?

In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
–Theodore Roosevelt

You’re probably asking “decided what?” in regards to the subject line. Let’s start with decision making in general.

As leaders, we’re expected to make decisions on a regular basis; matter of fact, there’s rarely a day that goes by when we don’t need to make a decision.

Our teams and organizations are dynamic and strategies are refined and we need to provide clarity for approaches/tasks that will support what’s changing. We need to decide how to best engage our direct reports and perhaps peers and other colleagues.


  • What decisions need to be made?
  • What information will help us make the “right” decision? Note: expect to not always be right!
  • Can we decide on our own or should we engage others?
  • Do we have time to postpone the decision or does it need to be made now?
  • What’s our desired outcome?


  • Don’t fall into “analysis/paralysis”
  • Accept that we will make mistakes
  • When mistakes occur, assess what could have been done differently
  • Organize your thoughts and be able to concretely share why you decided what you did
  • Don’t expect total buy-in (there will always be opposing views and different approaches)
  • Don’t disregard what your “gut” is telling you. Does it feel right?
  • Utilize knowledge and past experiences
  • Avoid letting emotions impact your thought process
  • Determine if any deadlines must be met (you may not have time for complete due diligence ex. Legal or contract issues) so utilize the knowledge available to youIn closing, we’ll share a quote by Larina Kase:
    Why is it so difficult to make decisions? Perhaps it is because the variables and the outcomes are often uncertain.  

Sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you make the decision right.
–Phil McGraw

Clarity of VMGM

Keeping people fired up starts with having a really clear vision for what the company is aiming to do. –Nick Woodman

We’ve shared that CLARITY starts with YOU.  Now we’ll add to that – in order for there to be organizational success, a clear vision must exist.

Many of you are familiar with PeopleTek’s VMGM=B equation. For those that are not, it means that our vision, mission, goals and measures are to be 100% supported by our behaviors.

We define Vision as:
A dream or aspiration that provides direction and guides us to a place far away. It may be unattainable, but we are able to focus our attention and make strides for ideally getting there.

The idea is for the vision to be clearly defined, easily understood, with supporting actions made a priority. And, the entire organization (all levels; all positions) must be engaged.

That’s where things sometimes get derailed – how can each person and every role support it? That’s where leadership comes in.

As leaders:

  • We need to simplify the vision and make the connections for our staff/teams
  • We need to regularly restate the vision and associated goals and behaviors that will make the vision come alive
  • We need to explain the “why” and obtain buy-in for the “how”
  • We can also ask our team members their thoughts about making the vision feel real and meaningful to them
  • We need to reward the behaviors that support our vision
  • We need to track and share any team successes and accomplishments that support the vision (and celebrate them!)Clarity is required for us to have a work culture that includes innovation, decision making, collaboration, and ultimately success.How would you rate CLARITY in your work culture? What would you like to see change?

When there’s a clear vision, and you’ve got the creative teams working toward that goal, each on their own, it can then come together quite elegantly at the endpoint.—Greg Rucka

Clarity and Engagement

We need to draw out and leverage the unique talents within our organization so we can make a difference and improve levels of engagement (studies report that 73% of staff is not engaged)

Making a difference starts with CLARITY and it starts with YOU.

C  Communication
L   Listening
A  Authenticity
R  Results
I   Integrity
T  Trust

Since YOU are in control of ensuring CLARITY exists, we’ll go in reverse order:

Y – How would YOU define your leadership skills? Would they be aligned with the perceptions and feedback others provide?

T – Are you able to build (and maintain) TRUSTing relationships with colleagues, direct reports, and partners?

IIntegrity is said to be the most-mentioned corporate value; do you live those values?

R – Are your desired results directly linked to your vision, mission, goals, and behaviors?

A – Is your delivery authentic?  Are your behaviors aligned with your expectations? Would others say you’re the “real deal”?

L – Do you truly listen (not just hear) what others say? Are you open to changing your mind, approach, and strategies if new information or opinions are shared with you?

C – Do you consistently communicate and do you confirm your message is understood?

Thomas Leonard sums it up nicely: Clarity affords focus (and focus increases engagement which brings results!)

If you want to help somebody, make sure you’re coming from a place of clarity and complete non-judgment; that way, you can begin to understand their journey, too.—Mary Lambert


Take a step towards clarity today by joining our next Leadership Journey. It is the perfect opportunity to become your best self. Clarity makes a huge difference in your leadership, so taking the time to invest in yourself is an important decision.

Contact us today if you are ready to gain clarity and improve your leadership.

Clear As Mud

Without focusing and getting to clarity, you cannot lead. You cannot motivate. You cannot plan. You cannot communicate.– Bobb Biehl

Would you say you have clarity in your life, both personally and professionally, or would you lean more towards the “clear as mud” descriptor?

Where are you in your career and where would you like to be? What about outside of work?  Are you fulfilling your dreams?

Paul Cummings suggests thinking in terms of a camera:

  • Most cameras today automatically know how to focus on an image.
  • Years back that was not the case. You had to take the time (and make an effort) to focus your camera on the image you wanted to capture.
  • You had to slowly twist and adjust the lens until the image looked clear and in focus.

He then goes on to share how our minds work:

  • Minds don’t come with an “auto-focus” button
  • Mental clarity is not simple
  • It takes time and effort to find it
  • As leaders, we must take the time we need to find our own clarity, especially if we want to lead others. (Remember FLY? First Lead Yourself, then Lead Others)
  • Mental clarity means that you have total sharpness and clearness of mind about where you are and where you’re headed
  • You have a clear perception and understanding of who you are and what you want to get out of life
  • If you want to lead others well, you must be clear about the things that you are wanting to accomplish (Goals? Expectations?)
  • Team members are looking to their leader for confidence, total clarity and certainty
  • When it exists, you will be a trusted leader, and your team will want to follow you

Some define CLARITY as knowing exactly what you want to achieve, and FOCUS as knowing which daily actions to take to get there.

Are you “Clear as Mud or Auto-Focused”?

Too often we don’t know what we want and we lack clarity and commitment to stick with our plans long enough to achieve success.

More About Communication

Intelligence, knowledge or experience are important and might get you a job, but strong communication skills are what will get you promoted.
–Mireille Guiliano

We’ve previously shared information about communication styles and now want to provide a bit more. In theory, we all fall into one of the following descriptors:

Demonstrators are people-oriented, fast-paced and enthusiastic. They usually have more open and casual body language. They tend to be animated and outgoing, and prefer an informal atmosphere. Demonstrators can be outrageous, spontaneous, excitable and sociable. They are ideas people who like to be in the limelight. If over-balanced in this style some weaknesses may show up such as being unreliable, self-centered, overly optimistic and indiscriminate.

Assertors are fast-paced and direct, like Demonstrators, but are more task-oriented, than people-oriented. They tend to be hard working, ambitious, leader types. They are good at making decisions quickly and efficiently. They are goal-oriented, assertive and confident. Assertors are the take-charge people who let nothing stop them. If over-balanced in this style some weaknesses may show up such as being too impatient, competitive and judgmental.

Contemplators are task-oriented like Assertors. However they are more indirect and slow-paced. Contemplators tend to be analytical, detail-oriented, thinker types. They are persistent, good problem solvers, and pride themselves on their orderliness and accuracy. Often seen alone, they tend to have quiet, low-key personalities. If over-balanced in this style some weaknesses may show up such as being too withdrawn, rigid, closed-minded, and overly pessimistic.

Narrators are slow-paced and indirect like Contemplators, but they are more people-oriented like Demonstrators. They are warm, friendly, gentle and cooperative. They highly value relationships over goals. They are good at listening, have a sweet temperament, and tend to be open-minded. Most people find them to be loving, and emotionally intuitive. If over-balanced in this style it can show up as overly meek and easily sidetracked.

Can you strongly relate to one particular style? Is there one that is definitely NOT you? Are you a blend?

The ABC’s are attitude, behavior and communication skills.
–Gerald Chertavian