Can you think of a team you were a member of (or led) that you felt was a high performing team? What made them special?

Ron Friedman and his team at ignite80, along with Front (a communication company) surveyed over 1100 U.S. based companies to learn differentiators for high performing teams.  Their findings:

There were five key components (and all have linkages to colleagues feeling connected).

1. High-Performing Teams Are Not Afraid to Pick Up the Phone
Many of us are quick to communicate via email or text; phone calls tend to strengthen relationships and prevent misunderstandings.

2. High-Performing Teams Are More Strategic With Their Meetings
High-performing teams utilize best practices (ex. agendas and check-ins). This ensures their time together is both efficient and collaborative resulting in meaningful interactions and better relationships.
3. High-Performing Teams Invest Time Bonding Over Non-Work Topics
Allowing time for personal conversations creates authentic connections. It may seem like wasted time, but the study found that high-performing team members invest in non work discussions which allows them to build relationships and improve teamwork and results.

4. High-Performing Teams Give and Receive Appreciation More Frequently
Recognition and feeling valued improves performance and has been found to be more motivating than financial incentives.

5. High-Performing Teams Are More Authentic at Work
Team members were comfortable being vulnerable with one another and shared both positive and negative emotions which was found to improve team performance.

Friedman concludes his article saying high performing teams are created when team members are “given the opportunities for genuine, authentic relationships to develop”.

As a leader what opportunities do you provide your direct reports so effective relationships are built?


Mike and Jan