As many of you know, this week the U.S. will celebrate Independence Day (generally celebrated July 4th). Did you also know that 175+ other countries also celebrate Independence Day?

Gaining independence required a desire for change and also required that strong relationships existed. Without both, it’s unlikely these 175+ countries would be having celebrations that moved their countries forward and improved life for so many.

Leadership prevents stagnation and does not allow for the status quo to dominate.  This is true of governments and businesses alike. Things to consider in the workplace:

What’s working well and what is not?

  • Do healthy relationships exist that will help with growth?
  • Are there new products that will provide an advantage over competitors?
  • Are the opinions of others solicited for process improvements ideas?
  • Is there a commitment for development for individuals and teams?

A few weeks ago we shared that managing change can be a challenge; that’s often because of the fear of the unknown.  Resistance may be due to not knowing:

  1. Anticipated benefits
  2. If improvement is quaranteed
  3. Impacts (both positive and negative)
  4. If the change does not occur, what will/won’t happen

Change is inevitable and necessary for growth for individuals and organizations to prosper. As leaders, we must be advocates for change, effectively communicate the “what and why”, and anticipate that acceptance will not be immediate.

Are you a motivator and change maker? What can you improve upon?

Wishes for safe and happy Independence Day celebrations!


Mike and Jan

Leaders are – by definition – change makers. When you are called to lead, you are called to advance, move forward and improve the situation. – Jonathan Michael Bowman