Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result.
–Bob Proctor
We’ve recently been told that accountability issues are increasing in the workplace. Do you agree?  Do you find that colleagues (and maybe even you) find that being accountable is difficult?

If yes, we think the top 3 reasons may be:
  1. Not wanting to look bad
  2. Fear that others may lose their appreciation for us
  3. We’re unable to be vulnerable since relationships and maybe even job security could be impacted 

Like it or not, we all make mistakes. Sadly, and all too often, that includes justifying why we did (or said) what we did. And to make us feel better, we self-rationalize why we did it, and add “why” and “however” to what we’re saying in hopes of lessening our error.

Doing this does not help and in reality pretty much does the opposite. We need to realize that the lack of accountability does not serve us well. We lose the trust of others, we sever relationships, we get avoided, we get labeled, and team morale is diminished when lack of accountability is not addressed.

Siddharth Chaudhary, author at FocusU, views the 4 Steps To Accountability as:
  • Mustering the Courage to SEE IT
  • Finding the Heart to OWN IT
  • Obtaining the wisdom to SOLVE IT
  • Exercising the means to DO IT

Author John G. Miller shares his views and they include “owning up”:
  • I did it.
  • I was wrong.
  • It’s my fault.
  • I shouldn’t have said that.
  • I shouldn’t have done that.
  • I’m sorry.
  • I will change today.

Don’t make excuses, don’t ignore that an error has occurred (or that you dropped the ball), and don’t point fingers. If you erred, own it and learn from it. This builds levels of trust, helps with integrity, and earns respect.


Mike and Jan

Accountability breeds response-ability.
–Stephen Covey