Communication is the real work of leadership.
–Nitin Nohria

How often have you experienced communication issues? There are likely times when you are extremely effectively, yet other times when it’s a struggle. Why is that? In 2010, researcher/facilitator Kirk Bridgman identified 4 communication styles:  demonstrators, assertors, contemplators &  narrators

His descriptions are:

DemonstratorsPeople orientation, emotional approach. Focus on WHO.
Demonstrators are people-oriented, fast-paced and enthusiastic with open and casual body language. They tend to be animated and outgoing, and prefer an informal atmosphere. Demonstrators can be outrageous, spontaneous, excitable and sociable. They are ideas people who like to be in the limelight. If over-balanced in this style some weaknesses may show up such as being unreliable, self-centered, overly optimistic and indiscriminate.

AssertorsTask orientation, emotional approach. Focus on WHAT.
Assertors are fast-paced and direct, like Demonstrators, and are more task-oriented, than people-oriented. They tend to be hard working, ambitious, leader types. They are good at making decisions quickly and efficiently. They are goal-oriented, assertive and confident. Assertors are the take-charge people who let nothing stop them. If over-balanced in this style some weaknesses may show up such as being too impatient, competitive and judgmental.

ContemplatorsTask orientation, logical approach. Focus on the HOW.
Contemplators tend to be analytical, detail-oriented, thinker types. They are persistent, good problem solvers, and pride themselves on their orderliness and accuracy. Often seen alone, they tend to have quiet, low-key personalities. If over-balanced in this style some weaknesses may show up such as being too withdrawn, rigid, closed-minded, and overly pessimistic.

NarratorsPeople Orientation, logical approach. Focus on the WHY.
Narrators are slow-paced and indirect like Contemplators, but they are more people-oriented like Demonstrators. They are warm, friendly, gentle and cooperative. They highly value relationships over goals. They are good at listening and tend to be open-minded. Most people find them to be loving, and emotionally intuitive. If over-balanced in this style weaknesses can show up as overly meek and easily sidetracked.

Understanding the differing styles and needs will improve communication in the workplace. Let us know how it works for you!

To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.
– Anthony Robbins