The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.
–Albert Einstein
Living in times of change is a constant and because of this there are continued impacts to those we interact with in the workplace (as well as those we live with).
Some have adjusted easier than others, but regardless, what we once viewed as the status quo no longer exists and anxiety and uncertainty are ever present.
Principles of change
- Change is an ongoing process rather than an event.
- There is a progressive sequence of change behaviors that need to be experienced and mastered to effectively
- manage change.
- Denial, apprehension, anger and resistance are part of the change process.
- The progression through the phases of change represents an opportunity for growth and responsible risk taking.
Leading through times of change includes:
- Understanding the phases of change.
- Pinpointing which stage you (and your team/colleagues) are in.
- Inspiring yourself and your team to accept, understand, and assess the change(s).
- Identify who/what will be impacted by the change.
- View change as a need for growth and improvement vs. being an obstacle/hardship.
- Understanding the change will help calm nerves and increase feelings of stability.
Since it’s natural to resist change, here are some questions to consider:
What is lost if I don’t support this change? Compared against:
What is gained if I accept the change and help others do the same?
Is my preferred style and behavior limiting me? Compared against:
By stepping out of my comfort zone what more could I accomplish?
What will I regret if I do not make a change? Compared against:
How might I grow personally and professionally by accepting the change?
Change is both a challenge and an opportunity. It requires courage and confidence, and can provide new and exciting opportunities! Learn, Grow, Transform, and Choose Wisely!
The most dangerous quote:
We’ve Always Done It This Way