You need to assess yourself on a yearly basis and see how far you have gone
and what you still need to work on.
–Sunday Adelaja

For those familiar with our book “12 Steps For Courageous Leadership” you’re aware of our belief that courage is the most important attribute required in order for leaders to be effective and successful.

Below are the 12 “Courageability” factors we’d like you to self-evaluate. Score yourself from 1 – 10
(1 = poor and 10 = superb).


_____ Lives and works with passion

_____ Documents and shares your goals

_____ Commits to addressing and tracking your goals

_____ Understands and leverages your strengths and the strengths of others

_____ Communicates with confidence and clarity

_____ Manages conflict and understands how it can be inspirational

_____ Develops others

_____ Effectively delegates

_____ Continually commits to enriching your skill-set

_____ Remains controlled at all times

_____ Consistently rewards and recognizes others

_____ Learns and grows from failures

How were your scores?  Were any below 7?  What about less than 5?

Are you a courageous leader?

Take time to regularly assess how you spend your time. Be ready to make changes that suit the goals pursued at a particular time.
― Israelmore Ayivor, Shaping the dream