Self-control is vital to reaching long-term goals . . .
–Amy Morin

How do stressful situations impact you? If you’re under fire at work, do others “feel” it and avoid interacting with you?

Composure and self control are important.  This is true for everyone, but as leaders, (whom others look up to and may even emulate), we need to be especially aware. We need to be cognizant of our emotions, we need to feel when we’re having an “off” day, and we need to have the skill to stay level headed and in control.

We’ve talked about being Emotionally Intelligent, and as a reminder, the 4 quadrants are:
Self Awareness – critical when engaging in communication
Self Management – key for managing emotions in difficult situations
Social Awareness –  leverages awareness of others to perform at your peak
Relationship Management – manages relationships to increase job performance and integrates EQ professionally and personally

Scoring high in Self Awareness and Self Management is certainly an asset for remaining composed.  It means we understand our emotions, what triggers them, and how to diffuse the negativity that will not serve us well.

Those that score high will likely not buckle under pressure, will continue to think and communicate clearly, their decision making process will remain sound, and relationships and productivity will not suffer.  Remember, once we lose our composure the damage is done!

Some common items that lend themselves to composure and control issues include:

  • Lack of commitment, buy-in or urgency
  • Lack of team effort or no accountability
  • Incorrect, incomplete, or mis-leading information
  • Missed deliverables
  • Insubordination
  • Change (especially when the reasons are not understood)

The dictionary defines self control as:
the ability to control oneself, in particular one’s emotions and desires or the expression of them in one’s behavior, especially in difficult situations.

How would you rate yourself? Is there anything you could improve upon?

No man is free who is not master of himself.– Epictetus
