The 4 Communication Styles

The 4 Communication Styles

How often has your “message” been misunderstood? Sadly, it happens all too often.

We think we’re being clear, yet in actuality, we’re clear as mud!

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.
–George Bernard Shaw

Our styles vary, and as a result, we process and interpret things differently. HRDQ shares that there are 4 basic communication styles, outlined below: Direct, Spirited, Considerate, and Systematic.

Which style do you feel best describes you?


  • Gets to the bottom line
  • Speaks forcefully
  • Maintains eye contact
  • Presents position strongly


  • Persuasive
  • Is a good story-teller
  • Focuses on the big picture
  • Uses motivational speech


  • Listens well
  • Is a good counselor
  • Uses supportive language
  • Builds trust


  • Presents precisely
  • Focus on facts
  • Efficient on speech
  • Well organized workplace

Based on these styles, how do you think misunderstandings could occur? For example, the systematic communicator focuses on facts. How might they have clarity issues with those with the spirited style who focuses on the big picture?

To ensure effective communication, don’t assume your message was accurately interpreted – ask for a recap of what was “heard”.

BONUS – QWIKTIP – Click to read why Listening Takes Work

Self Control

Self-control, an essential quality for any leader and team if they are going to perform near to their capability. It is necessary that the leader demonstrates self-control if he expects his team to have self-control. Craig Impelman

How’s your self-control? When your “buttons” are being pushed can you immediately feel the discomfort? And, despite this ill feeling, do you have the ability to think calmly and respond appropriately? It’s not easy.

Having the skill to respond with purpose and remain composed is something that we as leaders need to strive for on a daily basis. We need to continually improve our communication, interactions and relationships with our staff, customers, and situations.

Our level of effectiveness is directly tied to self-control and being aware. We all have hot buttons and we all know individuals that seem to have a “gift” to light those buttons up. Some common items that lend themselves to control issues include:

  • Inaccurate/incomplete information
  • Not being informed of problems
  • Insubordination
  • Lack of commitment or accountability
  • Lack of effort and collaboration

When things happen that we didn’t expect, others are watching us to see how we respond. Once we lose our composure, the damage is done and may not be recovered from even when our composure is restored.

Highly effective leaders are in control of their emotions at all times. We may need to postpone a response, use the restroom, or take an “urgent” call allowing us time to regroup and regain our control.

Remaining calm under pressure takes work. What techniques do you use that enable you to be composed and in control?  Let us know!


Click to read how to STAY COOL

Employee Excellence

Exceptional employees don’t possess God-given personality traits; they rely on simple, everyday EQ skills that anyone can incorporate into their repertoire.
—Travis Bradberry

How would you define employee excellence? What role do you play to ensure “excellence” comes alive and is leveraged? Travis Bradberry, author of 10 Ways To Spot A Truly Exceptional Employee feels emotional intelligence (EQ) is the key.

Emotional intelligence is the genuine ability to feel emotions, understand what you’re feeling and why, understand how others are feeling, and respond appropriately. And, the best part is that we can increase our EQ through self-development.

Having a high EQ builds relationships and fosters communication and consists of the following 4 areas:

Self Awareness (critical when engaging in communication)
Self Management (key for managing emotions in difficult situations)
Social Awareness (leverages awareness of others to perform at their peak)
Relationship Management (manages relationships to increase job performance and integrates EQ professionally and personally)

Bradberry says the following about exceptional employees:

1.    They neutralize toxic people. Exceptional employees control their interactions with toxic people by keeping their feelings in check and confront the toxic person rationally.

2.    They’re marketable. Exceptional employees are well liked and have integrity and can be trusted to represent the brand well.

3.    They’re accountable. They own their work, their decisions, and all of their results—good or bad.

4.    They recognize when things are broken and fix them. They see problems as issues to be fixed immediately and don’t walk past the problem.

5.    They’re never satisfied. Exceptional employees have unparalleled convictions that things can always be better.

6.    They’re in control of their egos. They’re willing to admit when they’re wrong and are willing to do things someone else’s way to improve results (or the situation).

7.    They’re judiciously courageous. Exceptional employees are willing to speak up when others are not, and they balance this with common sense and timing.

8.    They focus. They can differentiate between real problems and background noise; therefore, they stay focused on what matters.

9.    They can tolerate conflict. While exceptional employees don’t seek conflict, they don’t run away from it either. They maintain their composure in pursuit of the greater goal.

10.   They’re willing to delay gratification. Exceptional employees work outside the boundaries of job descriptions and are not dependent on recognition to do so.

Does your development planning include growing emotional intelligence levels? If you want to increase employee excellence, you may want want to consider it!


Click to read more about EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE


Stress is an important dragon to slay – or at least tame – in your life.
–Marilu Henner

How’s your stress level at work? Would you say it’s occasional or fairly consistent?

The first step in handling stress is to be aware of it.  Without awareness, stress is in control of you and not the other way around.

Do a simple assessment of the components below, rating your stress level for each as “Low”, “medium”, or “high”.

Job role/characteristics
Too demanding
Not what I thought it was going to be
Work Benefits/compensation
Difficult to get a promotion
Low compensation
Work Schedule
No flexibility
Creates conflict
Work Relationships
Conflict ridden
Boss Relationship
Not valued/skills not utilized
Minimal direction / recognition

How many did you rate “high”? We suggest addressing those first. Balance is the key to managing stress; consider what you can do differently to lower your stress levels.

Are you trying too hard? We often have a self-imposed need to compete that adds to our stress. We also don’t take time for the 3 R’s:  Re-charge, re-energize, and relax!

Build in time each day for things you enjoy. (Music, exercise, reading, family time). While at work, stand, stretch, take a walk, and don’t procrastinate! Putting off tasks will only add to your stress.


Click here to read how to STAY COOL

Team Magic

If you had to pick one word to describe the culture of your team what would it be?

  • Collaborative?
  • Energized?
  • Motivated?
  • Committed?

Last week we talked about the “Magic Dust” of individuals; what about the “Magic Dust” of teams?

Team members have a need to truly know one another.  What do they like?  What do they find annoying?  What assignments come easy to each person? What assignments are dreaded?

Successful teams are familiar with Patrick Lencioni’s required behaviors (TRUST, COMMITMENT, ACCOUNTABILITY, attention to RESULTS, and healthy CONFLICT), but the culture of truly knowing and caring about one another is also essential.

Take the time to discover “Team Magic“. You’ll find that when personal and professional connections are made, more is accomplished and the work culture is more enjoyable.

When’s the last time you:

  • Conducted a team assessment?
  • Held a team building event?
  • Solicited team feedback?

Maybe it’s time to take your team on a Custom Team Journey so you can discover and leverage Team Magic!

Magic Dust

Leadership is not about executive position or title. It is about connection and influence. At its highest, leadership is all about adding value to the world and blessing lives through the work you do.—Robin Sharma

Magic Dust.  What does that mean to you?  If you’ve been through PeopleTek’s Leadership Journey program you know that magic dust encompasses:

  • What you’re good at
  • Your unique skills and abilities
  • Qualities that make you more impactful
  • How and where you add the most value

Ideally we are provided opportunities to leverage our special skills and abilities at work, allowing us to add the most value, to find our work fulfilling, and best yet, feel inspired and invigorated!

Each of us in general are pretty good at assessing and scrutinizing what we don’t like doing. We know what we are not good at, but we’re not always clear on what makes us have a great day, or provides us with a sense of accomplishment and generally feeling good.

How would you define a good work day? Does it include leading others or contributing to their success?

This is part of being a leader. Leadership can be formal (ex. direct reports, matrix management, project manager, mentorships, etc), or it could be informal, where your skills lend themselves to you taking “charge”. It can also be related to your ability to build relationships, achieve common goals and objectives, sharing your technical savvy, or simply that you are respected, appreciated, and looked up to.

What leadership qualities do you bring to your team or organization? Are you able to integrate your gifts/strengths both in your career and in your personal life?  It’s great when your ambition and talents serve you rather than enslave you!

This may sound funny, but we have worked with leaders that excel at what they do, are acknowledged and rewarded for their accomplishments, but they quite simply don’t LIKE what they’re doing.

Hopefully that does not apply to you! Knowing and using your magic dust will energize you, and sharing it with others will add to your sense of purpose.

Where do you feel you add the most value?


Click here to read more about MAGIC DUST and SHARING YOUR STRENGTHS