The greatest ability in business is to get along with others and to influence their actions.–
John Hancock

INFLUENCE. Some think you need direct reports in order to influence others. We believe that we are ALL leaders and that our behaviors and actions DO influence others regardless of our workplace title.

One great way to influence others is to understand their goals. What are they trying to achieve? What obstacles are they facing? How could they be helped? Do they want assistance?

If yes, determine what and how you can help them attain each goal. A friend found this formula:
LEAP = Listen, Empathize, Agree and Plan

Listen to their goals, empathize with their situation, agree on tasks and options to achieve them, and begin to plan together.

It’s our past experiences, our observations, and how we’ve interpreted situations that affect levels of influence. This includes understanding and utilizing our own attitudes and beliefs, and our perceptions of the attitudes and beliefs others.

Our “self-talk” also greatly impacts if and how we’ll influence others. A lack of confidence will inhibit us from expressing our opinions, especially when we fear rejection.

There are two different styles that are used in influencing others:

1. Openness in communication
2. Consideration for others

Our level of openness is what dictates how willing we are to share our life experiences, our thoughts, and our emotions with others. (In contrast with volunteering minimal information).

Consideration is displayed by our willingness to accept and respond to others in the way they prefer. To some this includes an intensity to preserve the rights of others as they would their own. The opposing style is to display little respect for the opinions, feelings, and reactions of others, with no interest in showing support.

Last week we talked about body language. Skillfully and positively influencing others includes paying attention to:


Passion has a lot to do with the effort we’ll make to influence others. If passion is missing, it’s easy to defer to others and step back. When passion exists, we’re much more likely to influence others to a greater extent, and risk disagreement or rejection.

Do you actively influence others?


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