#3 The Power of 360 Feedback

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.
–George Bernard Shaw

Effective Leadership Part 3

When we are fully aware of how others perceive us, and our actions, we have a clear advantage!

Check out this short video which is part 3 of our 4 part video series about Effective Leadership.

Watch All of PeopleTek’s 360 Plus Video Series

If you missed the first or second videos of the series, click on the links below:

Effective Leadership Part 1

Effective Leadership Part 2

Video 4 – the last in the series – coming soon!

What to learn more about 360 Plus?

View Program Details

Maintaining Focus

How’s your ability to remain focused while working? Maintaining focus requires skill to block out the many distractions we encounter on a daily (hourly?) basis.

If you struggle to consistently accomplish your goals and objectives, are late to meetings and conference calls, and find that multi-tasking is your norm, maintaining focus may be an issue.

Maintaining Focus

Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them.
–Jack Canfield

We need to assess whether or not we struggle with keeping our focus, and if yes, determine and track the distractions that are impacting us.

Here are tips for planning your day:

Start with what’s important

  • These items contribute heavily to your goals and objectives and have high value

Next work on items that are urgent

  • These are items that require immediate attention but may or may not contribute to the success of meeting your goals and objectives. (Ex: production problems, legal issues)

Build in time for phone calls and emails

  • Does your role require that you respond immediately or can you perhaps schedule time in the morning and again in the afternoon?

We can also review our daily routine.

  • Are we micro managing?
  • Do we actually enjoy being in the middle of everything and the feeling of being on over-load?
  • What can we delegate to others?
  • What are we willing to change?
  • Where are we spending time doing what we like to do, versus items that are important or urgent?

There’s the tendency to think everything we do is important, but is it really? Keep focused on the items that help you meet your goals and objectives and on those that require your immediate attention.

Want to know The Formula For Leadership Success. View the video below.


Leadership Journey I

  • Session 1 – in Phoenix – kicks off September 20
  • Session 1 – virtual – kicks off September 14 (Our June program is full)

Enroll Today

Tell Us – How Does Your Workplace Compare?

We want to invite you to take a short survey that looks at some important aspects of your workplace. We are gathering responses from Journey graduates and others so that we may paint a better picture of the workplace today. Here at PeopleTek we are interested in using the data to improve our curriculum and our collective workplace performance!

Please join us in this research. We will provide you with your own individual feedback, which you can use as you continue your individual leadership journey.

Take the Survey

Does Work Stress You Out?

If you get stressed in your work environment, you’re not alone. According to an American Institute of Stress (NY) study, job pressure is the number one cause of stress.

Does Work Stress You Out?

Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.
–Hans Selye

Strategies, technology, budgets, skill-sets, customers, partnerships, and shareholders are constantly evolving. As leaders, we need to take the time to pay attention to how we’re being impacted by the added pressures, and we need to pay attention to what’s happening to those we work with. What’s the pulse in your workplace?
How’s productivity? Absenteeism? Attitudes? Collaboration? Communication?

The statistics for how stress impacts individuals (and organizations) are staggering:

  • 48% – Are negatively impacted in their personal and professional life
  • 31% – Have difficulty managing work and family responsibilities
  • 30% – Are “always” or “often” under stress at work
  • $300 billion is the annual cost to employers in stress related health care and missed work

Here are some top contributors to work stress:

  1. Fear of being laid off
  2. Unrealistic deadlines
  3. Excessive work hours due to reduced staff
  4. Lack of collaboration
  5. Emphasis to “do more with less”
  6. Reduced recognition for a job well done (what is “above and beyond”?)
  7. Work just isn’t fun anymore
  8. Constant pressure to always deliver “at your peak” (the result is burn out)

Tips to help leaders manage stress:

  • Take the time to build relationships and learn what your team is doing at work as well as personally
  • Ensure everyone has clearly defined roles and understands priorities
  • Call out non-productive behaviors ex. Rumors, attitudes, lack of focus, reduced productivity, etc
  • Immediately address conflict / differences
  • Share what you know as soon as you can; consistent communication is key
  • Promote laughter and use humor to defuse stress

Are you doing all you can to minimize stress in your workplace? Hear what Mike and Marilyn say about the Leadership Journey.


Leadership Journey I

  • Session 1 – in Phoenix – kicks off May 12 – LAST CALL!
  • Session 1 – virtual – kicks off September 14 (Our June program is full)

Journey II – Moving Beyond The Barriers

  • Session 1 – in Phoenix – kicks off May 12 – still a few open spots!

Enroll Today

Tell Us – How Does Your Workplace Compare?

We want to invite you to take a short survey that looks at some important aspects of your workplace. We are gathering responses from Journey graduates and others so that we may paint a better picture of the workplace today. Here at PeopleTek we are interested in using the data to improve our curriculum and our collective workplace performance!

Please join us in this research. We will provide you with your own individual feedback, which you can use as you continue your individual leadership journey.

Take the Survey