Growth and change are continuous, and if we don’t manage it wisely, stress gets thrown into the equation.

What got you to where you are today will more than likely not take you to your desired next level of achievement. Why? Things change.

Strategies, technology, budgets, skill-sets, customers, partnerships, and shareholders are not constant and it’s not always easy to keep up; sometimes it even feels next to impossible.

Stress is the physical and psychological effects we experience as a result of the way we react to changes in the surrounding environment.
–Pavel Stoyanov

As our environment (and the world) continues to change swiftly, we are all challenged to continuously “evolve” and grow.

As leaders we need to take time and pay attention to what’s happening to us, and we also need to pay attention to those we work with. What’s the pulse in your workplace? How’s productivity? Absenteeism? Collaboration levels? Attitudes? Communication?

Physical and emotional health suffer when change is not managed. Stress also becomes unhealthy instead of energizing and motivating.

A Few Top Stress Contributers

  • Fear of being laid off
  • Unrealistic deadlines
  • Excessive work hours due to reduced staff
  • Emphasis to “do more with less”
  • Reduced recognition for a job well done (what is “above and beyond”?)
  • Work just isn’t fun anymore
  • Constant pressure to always deliver “at your peak” (the result is burn out)

Reports say that the workforce is experiencing increased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, and that employers are spending 15% more than last year per employee for wellness programs.  And, many wellness programs are now including gym memberships, massages, nutrition counseling, meditation courses, and even bonuses for exercising.

People wear out; we all have thresholds. The idea is to recognize and address needs before health and productivity suffer.

Take care of your own needs and be cognizant of and address the needs of those around you. This will position your workplace to better manage work stress without becoming overwhelmed.  You may even experience increased levels of energy, and bring back an element of “fun”!

When’s the last time you made work fun?
