We’re frequently told to have an updated resume on hand (not too hard, right?). But when’s the last time you interviewed for a new job/position? Are you prepared?

Preparation begins with anticipating what you’ll be asked, and formulating your responses in advance. There’s no way to be sure how your interview will be structured, or the questions that will be asked, but there are few you should have an answer prepared for in the back of your mind.

Interview Questions You Should Prepare For

  1. Why do you want this job?
    • Consider what experience and industry knowledge you can provide. Why are you a good fit?
    • Have specific examples in mind to share your prior accomplishments.
  2. Why should I hire you (or recommend you for this job)?
    • Now’s the time to sell yourself; expand on your strengths. Examples are:
      • Technical skills
      • Professional achievements
      • Industry knowledge/experience
      • Communication and sustained customer relationships
      • Results, goal achievement, innovation, sales
  3. What do you know about our company?
    • When was the company founded?
    • What are they known for?
    • Do they have a mission statement?
    • Is their direction or brand changing?
    • Are they faced with any specific challenges (and how can you help them overcome these challenges)?
  4. What do you consider to be your biggest professional challenge (or your weakness)?
    • Self awareness is a biggie, and we all have something to work on (over-committing, delegation, building trust with those that have accountability issues, being too detailed, managing resistance to change, etc).
    • Follow it up with how you’ve addressed and perhaps continue to address this issue.
  5. What do you like most/least about your current job?
    • Stay positive, but honest.
    • What energizes you?
    • What kind of work are you passionate about?
    • Are your skills being utilized?
    • Is it simply time for a change?
    • Are your values and those of the company no longer aligned?
  6. What are your salary expectations?
    • This is tough. Take some time, and do your homework.
    • What’s the condition of the market?
    • How in demand is the position?
    • What salary does the position merit?
    • What range are you willing to accept?

Interview Preparation Take-Aways

  • Highlight your strengths and accomplishments and provide specific examples.
  • Provide value statements about YOU that will make you stand out from the competition.
  • Make sure you’re a good fit for the job, and that the job is a good fit for you!

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

Here’s a Wealth of Information

Each week we’ll partner with QwikCoach and provide the ability for you to reinforce or expand your knowledge of a prior topic.

Last week’s tip focused on Fear and Barrier to Success.

Go to QwikTips to read more! There are two different versions–one for visitors and one for licensed QwikCoach users.

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