“. . .ELEVATE . . .! “

This is a unique yet powerful story.  It’s about leadership, teamwork and success. It’s about the past, present and future. It’s about ICAS. Much like other companies that achieved fabulous growth and success and is proud of their accomplishments, ICAS has succeeded in delivering products and services for over 30 years.

This is a tremendous accomplishment and has created great growth for a family owned business that has thrived during difficult and challenging times. It’s about talented and skilled staff being willing to do what it takes to excel, be supportive, and build strong relationships.  This study is about the people that comprise the ICAS family.

How does ICAS adapt and change to an ever increasing competitive market for IT services?

How do they remain leaders in the industry and continue to be first choice by business partners? How does ICAS approach the most challenging times for IT professionals and businesses in the past century? How will they continue to grow and thrive?

The answer is both complex and simple: Elevate!

A new company wide transition and project led by CIO Jim Caridi, focuses on systems, culture and processes required to elevate ICAS beyond their wildest vision. These changes will provide the platform and structure for success. Everything they do will be focused around creating an infrastructure to elevate skills, talents, and abilities in order to deliver top quality services and products to their customers.

Their processes, technology, tools and training will be elevated beyond measure. How they deal with customers, suppliers, and one another will be taken to higher levels. While change is always uncomfortable, the ICAS team will use courage and operate with vision, purpose, desire and a plan to elevate to the next level.

Everything that was done in the past will provide the foundation to make the necessary changes to face the future. It will take leadership, accountability and teamwork to stretch beyond comfort zones, and it will require risk and passion.

They know the adjustment may be uncomfortable, but they plan to make it fun and exciting.  Change and new opportunities promote outstanding growth, quality, and inspiration!

Why elevate? Because they feel they have to. They feel their customers need them to. They feel having a future demands it.  Great teams who make it to the Super Bowl know how to keep coming back.  Building a stronger business team is no different.  Elevate is their answer, and it will be up to each ICAS employee to understand what it means to them individually, and to the team as a whole.

CIO Caridi asked each team member to take the challenge. He wants each individual to think and respond to ‘What does elevate mean to me? What role do I play and how can I  elevate myself and take my career, and the company to a higher level?”

Action and development plans will be created, tracked, and updated over the next days, months and years.  We wish them success as their Journey continues!

Let us know if you have a growth and success story to share.