Leadership: ability to lead: the ability to guide, direct, or influence people
–Encarta World English Dictionary

Dear Leaders,

The term “Leadership” can be defined in many ways.  At PeopleTek, one of our favorites is “Taking others where they’ve never gone before and wouldn’t go by themselves”.

Chris Millington, IT leader, Writer, and Coach shared a poem with us as to his thoughts about leadership.

Leadership is Love, it’s My Heart and it’s My Soul
Leadership is the wisdom to know
Leadership is passion
Leadership is joy
Leadership is knowing what to say and when
Leadership is planning the work
Leadership is working the plan
Leadership is knowing when to be out front
Leadership is knowing when to be in the rear
Leadership is listening to hear
Leadership is stepping back so others can grow
Leadership is extending a hand
Leadership is sharing a tear
Leadership is having a fear
Leadership is an open mind
Leadership is courage and being brave
Leadership is being quiet
Leadership is all about listening for understanding
Leadership is being open and honest
Leadership is being humble
Leadership is going with the flow
Leadership is knowing when to say No
Leadership is a circle of traits we develop and evolve

Least we ever forget,

Leadership is about Life!!!!!!

What does leadership mean to you? Do any of the statements truly resonate, or are there any you have difficulty relating to?

Please let us know what leadership means to you.  We’d like to compile your thoughts and publish them at a later date.  (If you prefer to remain anonymous your name will be excluded).