Conflict In The Workplace – Have you ever witnessed it, been part of it, or tried to manage others through it? We’re guessing you said yes to all 3!

“For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, debate.”
–Margaret Heffernan

Conflict is positive when differences are discussed in a healthy manner but can be devastating when the conflict occurs with ill intentions.

Studies show that 2.8 hours per week, per U.S. employee, are spent engaging in unhealthy conflict. This is equated to losses of $359 billion in wasted wages. (Calculated at an hourly rate of $17.95 / hour.) In the September issue of SUCCESS magazine, Emma Johnson provides 11 tips to prevent these losses:

  1. Recognize that disputes can’t be avoided. Acquire skills to help manage it.
  2. Step in early. Don’t ignore unproductive differences.
  3. Don’t just tell people to get over it. Be prepared to step in and mediate.
  4. Make each person acknowledges the other. Truly listen to opposing points of view.
  5. Focus on expectations. What exactly are the mutual expectations?
  6. Tell them to come up with the solution. Empower them and don’t pick sides.
  7. Assist them in articulating a plan to resolve their differences. Have joint follow-up sessions.
  8. Skirt instincts to separate the warring bodies. Keeping them apart prevents any chance for an improved relationship.
  9. Unite them in solving a crisis bigger than their argument. Have them work together on a project/initiative.
  10. Invest in personality assessments. They increase awareness, understanding, and communication skills.
  11. Create a process for dealing with conflict. Devise a plan that promptly addresses interpersonal annoyances.

Don’t allow the conflicts in your workplace to impact productivity; instead, use them to inspire creativity, build stronger relationships, and improve the bottom line.

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